This morning, some of you will have noticed that the site was down and it said that some table had crashed and needed repairing. Well, thanks to Alan's heads-up, it's sorted now. Took about 4 minutes, which isn't too bad. But I think I need to configure the server to SMS me when the DB goes down so we have less hours of downtime, even if the repair-time is so short. (Doesn't help if I'm sleeping when it goes down ?)
Anyhoo, slightly longer-term, I'll be taking the site down for 1-3 hours to completely restore the database from a backup which should (hopefully) fix any file-corruption issues we might be experiencing. Also, I have it somewhere on my to-do list to optimize some database queries to be a little less resource intensive.
I'm not yet sure what causes these issues but it does seem to happen between 10pm and 5am. So that at least narrows it down.
Wish me luck ?
So the site (and server) was down from about 03h00 Saturday morning till about 14h00 Saturday afternoon. Looks like we've found the issue but I can't be sure till I run some tests. I might be taking the server down for 1-3 hours of maintenance tonight but I'm not sure yet.
We'll get to the bottom of this yet!