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Hi all,

I was hoping for some pointers on choosing valves for my amp when the time comes.
I play a southern/blues/rock type style.
which valves will you recommend me. I use my amp overdrive with wylde wah, dd7 delay.
Playing with Gretsch g5122dc.
I didnt need to change valves yet, but want to be ready when the time comes.
    For the power amp section, any decent 6L6 tubes will do. I think I was using some from Electro-Harmonix as a replacement for the Fender Groove Tubes (which are actually just a re-brand of other tube makes) and they sounded quite good. If you're looking to spend a little cash you can go for the SED Winged "C" 6L6 tubes which I remember Alan recommending: http://www.thetubestore.com/Tubes/6L6-5881-Tube-Types/Winged-C-SED-6L6GC

    One thing I would definitely recommend is switching out the V2 pre-amp 12AX7 tube with a 12DW7 (I got one from Mr Valve, don't recall the brand). To my ears that did a lot to tame the harshness on the drive channel by lowering the gain and just making it sound a little smoother. The Hot Rod has so much gain anyway that you can still get very saturated tones out of it if you want.

    Finally, there are a number of guides which show you how to re-bias these amps yourself (takes about 15 minutes once you know what you're doing) and all that you need is a multi-meter. Just be very careful and employ the so-called "one hand rule" and you won't shock yourself to death. ?

      Let us know what brands of valves you currently have. I might be able to offer some recommendations & some shopping advice, but need to know what you would be replacing. Good NOS last much longer than the new stuff. They sound a lot better as well.
      I.e. replacing might not neccesarily be whats needed.
        Thanx for the helpful posts. It came out with groove tubes. It will be great if i can learn to replace it myself.
          Yeah - I like the Winged C (SED) 6L6s, which are the best new production 6L6 IMO. Try get a decent NOS for your phase inverter at the same time.

          The 12DW7 is an odd one - half a 12AX7 with half a 12AU7. If it works, it works, but I've never liked subbing 12AU7s for AX7s - always seems to neuter the amp. My go-to to tame the gain is a 5751, which responds in the circuit exactly like a 12AX7 does, just dropping the gain 30%.

          Strictly speaking, your preamp valves probably won't need changing, but if you're ordering in anyway, try get a few different NOS 12AX7s to experiment with.
            I'm always a little nervous to give too hard & fast advice, especially when there are knowledgeable people like Alan on the forum. I don't know this amp particulrly well, but I am totally taken in with the quality of sound of the few types of NOS valves I have tried. I think it is at least worth a try.

            The prices are currently soaring. First glance might put most people off. I have been watching on eBay & if you are patient & do bit of research, you can get good value - i.e. close pricing to current production stuff. Note: eBay's policies & mechanisms protect buyers quite well.

            Let me know if you want help with sourcing.
              7 months later
              I got tongsol 5881's in the power stage.
              Made a huge difference. Softened the fender ice-pick to the eardrum brightness. (at the expense of a few Watt)
              Also v1 has a 5751. Also mellowed things up.

              Sounds like we like to play the same styles - so I think if you want to change the in your face loud heavy hot rod into something bluesier - you may like this change.
              I read somewhere SRV also like these tubes.

              I also got a 12dw7 in v2 - no major tone change for me, but it does make the drive channel more sensible.
              I got a torvac 12ax7 in v3 - similar to stock groove tube - just a better tube.

              The end result is smoother, warmer, but still the great fender clean tone.
              If you ok dropping from 30 to probably just over 20watts or so - definitely worth the expense and a 5 minute job anyone can do.
              I still never get to break up volumes? but obviously I would get there sooner now i think.
                Alan Ratcliffe wrote: My go-to to tame the gain is a 5751, which responds in the circuit exactly like a 12AX7 does, just dropping the gain 30%
                +1 and wonderful for the phase inverter: postponing breakup, increasing headroom in your power tubes. Can take a very hard beating from the preamp. Get the Philips JAN if you're not too limited in budget.
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