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Very nice, yes that guit has been there for a long time
    Stunning. Was going to say that you haven't posted in a while. And with that NGD I doubt you'll have time to post again for a while
      very nice!!
      What does the neck say?
      any traces of the original finish (sunburst probably)

        That looks sooooooo goood! Wow, enjoy it! I really think Fender Jags are the one of the nicest looking guitars, and this one is particularly delicious!
          What a beauty!! Sigh........the one thing that gives me GAS (apart from Chocklit's cooking) is an old sixties Fender.

          And, just by the way, be careful with Chocklit - he's a polygamist!!! ?
            Chabenda wrote: And, just by the way, be careful with Chocklit - he's a polygamist!!! ?
            I've just got so much love to give!! :roflmao:
              Very nice!

              Is it a nitro refin? If it is and you play through the finish over the coming years, you can get that cool effect of a solid colour shot over sunburst.

                Thanks Everybody!
                Always nice to share new gear with people who understand ?
                Girlfirend: " But you already have 5 guitars! Why do you need another one??"

                kapepper wrote: What does the neck say?
                any traces of the original finish (sunburst probably)
                Ronnie said he thinks it was probably a sunburst yes, as most of them were.
                Took the neck off when I got it, which was 3-4 weeks ago,
                neck was marked either 1Jul '63 or 1 Jun '63. No trace of the original finish in any of
                the cavities though.

                Giggsy wrote: Stunning. Was going to say that you haven't posted in a while. And with that NGD I doubt you'll have time to post again for a while

                Ye it's been a while, but GFSA site seems to not like my net connection, or vice versa...so I kinda gave up on attempted-failed logins.
                Been trying to logon since last night, and just wouldn't happen. Anyway, still have the red Wesley I got from you, albeit, very modified since
                then ?

                Reinhard wrote: Is it a nitro refin? If it is and you play through the finish over the coming years, you can get that cool effect of a solid colour shot over sunburst.
                Not sure Reinhard, the finish seems quite thin, so maybe it is?
                I hope it is! Wouldn't mind a worn finish like that strat's

                  Chocklit_Thunda wrote: ? ? ? Are you single?? I don't even know you but I'd date you just for a chance to play that!
                  I'm open to bribes as well... ?
                    She seems to have a re-issue scratch plate too, The tortoise shell ones shrunk like a newly weds disposable income. The patterns seemed to also be different to the re-issues. I still have the original one off my Jazzmaster - the amount of shrinkage is incredible.

                    She is an absolute beauty.
                      Giggsy wrote: Stunning. Was going to say that you haven't posted in a while. And with that NGD I doubt you'll have time to post again for a while

                      Anyway, still have the red Wesley I got from you, albeit, very modified since then ?

                      Was it up on Gumtree a while ago? I had meant to ask, had some nice mods and got me thinking...
                        Chabenda wrote: She seems to have a re-issue scratch plate too, The tortoise shell ones shrunk like a newly weds disposable income. The patterns seemed to also be different to the re-issues. I still have the original one off my Jazzmaster - the amount of shrinkage is incredible.
                        It doesn't show up on the photos, but the scratchplate is quite warped on the neck side
                        and shrunk at the top rhythm circuit side - was wondering if that's
                        a standard thing with the old gear or if it was just crudely cut....but hey I'm happy with it as is ?
                          Giggsy wrote:
                          Giggsy wrote: Stunning. Was going to say that you haven't posted in a while. And with that NGD I doubt you'll have time to post again for a while

                          Anyway, still have the red Wesley I got from you, albeit, very modified since then ?
                          Was it up on Gumtree a while ago? I had meant to ask, had some nice mods and got me thinking...

                          Ye, I had to put up some gear for sale to accommodate the new Jag (was waiting for clients to pay),
                          but then it turned out I didn't have to sell it afterall. So now the Wesley is my humbucker guitar.
                            No, the proper nitrocellulose tortoiseshell shrinks badly (also a notorious fire hazard). The reissue tortoise is usually acrylic (and often laminated), which is nowhere near as volatile.
                              Nice colour combo/purchase!

                              They originally came with 11's from the factory - try that with the new bridge and you'll be in love!
                              (they'll almost bend as easily as 10s on a Strat style guitar because of the Jag's shorter scale length)
                              I've installled a couple of those Mastery bridges now and they really make or break the Jazz/Jag guitars.
                              Ask Foster to make up a bone or Graphtech nut and you'll be overjoyed - brass is terrible ?

                              Have fun!
                                Alan Ratcliffe wrote: No, the proper nitrocellulose tortoiseshell shrinks badly (also a notorious fire hazard). The reissue tortoise is usually acrylic (and often laminated), which is nowhere near as volatile.

                                Here's a (slightly out of focus) close up of the tort.
                                It's white-black-white-tort - it's quite thick, and yellowed (colour not exactly spot on in pic).
                                If the originals are actually a fire hazard, then I'm glad it's a re-issue guard :-[
                                Were the originals only one tort layer?