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  • Guitar
  • Need some advice on pick-ups


I've got an old Applause electric guitar. Typical "strat" copy with the three single pick-ups.
It is old and needs work, but I was thinking about using it as a bit of a back up guitar, but I need to do something about the tone and sound.

What would you recommend I do with the pick-ups ?
Should I replace all three ?
And what brand / model of pick-ups should I use that will give it a fuller / richer tone and sound ?

Any thoughts will be appreciated.

    I remember those guitars. Only spend money on reversible changes like pickups. Usually I'd say Toneriders, but they are scarce these days, which leaves you in the DiMarzio or Duncan price ranges. Unless you want to order online - then the Toneriders or the "Premium" GFS models.

    What's your main electric guitar? It's probably best to upgrade the pickups in that and then use the stock pickups that come out of that to upgrade the Applause. That'll be the most effective upgrade path.
      Hi Alan,

      Yes - that actually makes sense. Thanks for your advice.
      I have an Ibanez for main - which also needs some work. So I might as well do the switch.

        Perhaps think about looking at wiring & pot replacements while you are at it? You could also think about kinman style switching mods (ala k7) giving you more options on the strat. If you are handy with a soldiering iron, these can be budget friendly...
          Thanks again for the inputs.

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