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  • Jun 8, 2018
  • Joined Sep 21, 2008
  • Hi, Yes - I only have the one.
    I am in Centurion.

    • I don't know how to add another picture :-)

    • Hello there,
      Where can I post info on starting / finding other musicians?

    • Hi everyone,
      I am an ex-guitarist, and keen to learn bass. Got a good deal on an entry level one, and have been checking out a few Youtube basics.
      Now right from the start, I have an issue.
      I have no idea where to position my right hand (arm).
      If you look at the picture, this seems to be how many players do it, with the arm / palm resting on the guitar. But you can also see what a terrible angle that makes for my wrist and forearm.

      It feels like there is no space for my arm on the guitar to rest on while maintaining comfort and not stress.

      Your input would be greatly appreciated.
      • Hello there.
        I am very curious about the bass guitar. Or stand up base for that matter. After years of electric and acoustic, I feel the urge to learn to play this instrument. Even if it might not go to professional all the way.
        Like so many, I don't really want to splash out before I see where this goes.
        I can get a used base or entry level from my local music shop for a good price.

        I have an existing 8 channel mixer and Titan 120 active speaker:

        I was wondering if I could practice using this speaker. I won't crank it, but I don't want to damage the speaker if it was only intended for guitar and microphones.

        Your input will be valued.
        Thank you
        • Thank you all for the great input.
          I really appreciate it.

          I am going to upgrade the Ibanez and look for a used Strat in the near future. Addressing this thing from two ends ?

          • Thanks everyone for the great input.
            You are all awesome.

            I will give this some more thought.
            Hypothetically speaking, if I decide to tune-up the Ibanez, which pickups should I consider?

            Again - I'm looking for a smoother / fat lead sound. The Dimarzios I've got on there was good for that edgy rock riffs back in the day. But I am not crazy about the sound now.

            Playing through a PA at the moment (with the GT-10), but I will consider a valve amp in the future to compliment the kit.

            Thanks again.
            • Hi there,

              I have been playing guitar for good while now. Just for fun. Been in and out of a few outfits over the years.
              Electric wise, I've got an Ibanez RG470 which is 19 years old. Back then I bought it for a rock band and the sound was suitable. As you can imagine it has taken a fair share of wear and tear, with rust and knocks and bumps. So it is really not sounding all that great anymore.

              But besides that, these days I am looking for a much warmer, richer and smoother sound. I bought a Boss GT-10 some time ago and still I am not happy with the sound I am getting from the old Ibanez.
              A Fender Strat has always been a bit of a dream. And with that I mean a Fender Stratocaster American Standard.

              So I am naturally wondering if this R18 000 (give or take) will fix my "problem". Will it make such a big difference? Is there really so much to this guitar?

              Thanks for your inputs.
              • Thanks again for the inputs.

                • Hi Alan,

                  Yes - that actually makes sense. Thanks for your advice.
                  I have an Ibanez for main - which also needs some work. So I might as well do the switch.

                  • Hi,

                    I've got an old Applause electric guitar. Typical "strat" copy with the three single pick-ups.
                    It is old and needs work, but I was thinking about using it as a bit of a back up guitar, but I need to do something about the tone and sound.

                    What would you recommend I do with the pick-ups ?
                    Should I replace all three ?
                    And what brand / model of pick-ups should I use that will give it a fuller / richer tone and sound ?

                    Any thoughts will be appreciated.

                    • Thanks Donovan,

                      I will be sure to look at those as well.

                      They do seem well priced.

                      • Okay cool.
                        Thanks again for the inpu.

                        • Hi Sharonzaz,

                          Thank you for the feedback.
                          I appreciate all your tips and advice.
                          The 44VSL does look perfect.

                          I will be shopping around for a second hand one. If not, I will get one new.

                          • Hi Everyone,

                            I am looking to get a PA / mixer / amplifier thing.
                            I have no experience or knowledge about this.

                            It will be for a microphone, laptop input and one guitar
                            I think four channels might be limiting if I ever wish to expand, so probably 6 or 8.

                            I am looking for something that will aid my vocals a bit as far as effects are concerned.
                            I have fairly decent effects for my guitar already.

                            This is pretty much for a one man show, mostly clean and mellow stuff. Small venues.

                            I will get to speakers later.
                            I don't want to spend a fortune, but I don't want to buy entry level / amateur stuff either.

                            I would love to hear some thoughts on this.
                            Brands, models, wattage, anything that comes to mind and any other recommendations.

                            I appreciate your input.


                            • Hello

                              Consider a simple lick of wholes steps: 3/5 3/7 3/9.
                              Now, playing it in that order, I would typically use my index finger, ring finger and pinky.

                              However when I reverse that sequence, I start with the pinky, and then my ring finger and middle finger seems to both try and play the second note. I am guessing the ring finger does it from memory, and the middle finger from a logistics point of view (knowing that the next step will be easier).

                              They still mess me around a bit. What do you guys do?
                              Should I force the one pattern, so that the lick is played with the same fingers up and down, or should I practice this "change" of finger pattern in the middle of a lick ?

                              The RED-ant
                              • Thank you for the help.
                                That is all I needed to know.
