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Hi Everyone,

I am looking to get a PA / mixer / amplifier thing.
I have no experience or knowledge about this.

It will be for a microphone, laptop input and one guitar
I think four channels might be limiting if I ever wish to expand, so probably 6 or 8.

I am looking for something that will aid my vocals a bit as far as effects are concerned.
I have fairly decent effects for my guitar already.

This is pretty much for a one man show, mostly clean and mellow stuff. Small venues.

I will get to speakers later.
I don't want to spend a fortune, but I don't want to buy entry level / amateur stuff either.

I would love to hear some thoughts on this.
Brands, models, wattage, anything that comes to mind and any other recommendations.

I appreciate your input.


    Honestly, speaker wise look at self powered only.
    dont get amps then speakers etc.

    active systems are easier to setup and carry around.

    Mixer wise there are plenty options in the analogue sector.
    digital is mostly expensive until i found the Presonus VSL soundcards.
    they come in 2, 4 and 8 (expendable to 16) inputs.
    most one man bands will easy do with the 44VSL, great little unit.
    ive got the big brother 1818VSL, mix the whole band.

    i think the 44VSL is around 4k retail, most shops will discount a bit
    but keep in mind these come from turk, not much discount there sadly.

    plug in via USB into you laptop, and it becomes a full scale digital mixer, all inputs get semi parametric EQ, comp, etc plus rev and delays as effects.
    bonus is that you can record into a daw whatever is plugged in.

    also, you get audio tracks from your pc back into the mixer so in fact your 4 in mixer gets 2 or 4 extra stereo returns for you to play your tracks and get the same processing on these tracks too. so if your playing tracks from your pc they get extra inputs via software into the digital mixer, no need for cables there.

    speaker wise, best bang for the buck IMO are the Titans no doubt.

    mic, there are many out there, non serve as well as a good old SM58.

    all that should cost you around 10-12k if you know some ppl in shops that can discount you enough.

    if you decide to spend more and get the 1818 you can control the mix via an ipad too. :? plus you get all the extra inputs in a single rack unit.
      Hi Sharonzaz,

      Thank you for the feedback.
      I appreciate all your tips and advice.
      The 44VSL does look perfect.

      I will be shopping around for a second hand one. If not, I will get one new.

        Best bang for buck right now in SA, in my opinion, ALTO.

        Contact Coastal Music or Toms Sandton for a crazy price, they're the distributors in SA.
          I doubt youll get those second hand for now, they're still newish.

          saw one in music connection the other day.
            Okay cool.
            Thanks again for the inpu.

              ALTO is the Mackie budget brand as well.
                24 days later
                Thanks Donovan,

                I will be sure to look at those as well.

                They do seem well priced.

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