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Hey everybody. I'm newbie to the forum, but I have been playing guitar for about two years.

I guess I'll plunge straight in!

So when I play my electric I generally use the old school method of setting up my gear. I set it up so that the amp to distort when I play hard, and stay clean by altering the way I play or backing off the volume a bit. I can do this quite well, effectively getting my lead tone and rhythm/clean tone without any effects pedals.

Now here's the problem: I have severe GAS symptoms and I need to buy a pedal. I am thinking of a BOSS OD-3 or saving for a DD-20.

Any advice on what to get/do?
    I'd go DD-20 - Overdrives are great but if you're happy with the results you get from your amp then I'd say the delay will open up the biggest realm of possibilities.
      I say buy a multi FX pedal and play around with the FX, see what you like and dislike, then later get proper ones of what you like.
        I would go the multi FX route, but I already have played with a friends multi pedal. So I know whats what.

        The only problem with getting a delay is that the amp doesn't have an effects loop, so I'll need to keep it clean(ish).
          What you're doing sounds awesome. The stages are full of guitar players who are squeaky clean and then they hit the pedal and the guitar goes distorted without any change in volume. Boring as hell. Old-school guitars were far more distinguishable from synthesisers. Buy a fuzz pedal and let the amp do the driving.
            • [deleted]

            How would fuzz help? Would I use it when I need to go crazy?

            Maybe a better amp is in order. I'm currently using a Vox Pathfinder10 (don't laugh ?).

            I'm pretty keen on a delay now, maybe a Crybaby as well!
              At this point in the discussion we usually ask what kind of music you play, and if you need to be keeping up with a drummer. The pathfinder is fine if you don't play in a band, but will lack when you start playing with others. Nothing like a hard hitting drummer to push up everyone's level until the 2W guitar amp just does not cut it anymore and the 18W makes its appearance.
              Once you've made your amp choices, you can come back to your original post: you reckon you need a pedal but you don't know for what. Music style is the biggest factor here. If you're comfortable swapping between clean and driven with pinkie swell and picking strength, stay away from the overdrive pedals. A fuzz is a lo-fi overdrive without the thundering low end and a distortion is just more drive than overdrive; not necessary unless you want to rock out. Play funk and you need neither (but you want a flanger, chorus and auto-wah), play surf and you'll dig a very good reverb, play rockabilly and you'll want a tremolo etcetera.

              If you don't know what music you like best, name a few songs that you like the guitar sound on and we can help figure out what it would take.
                Hey man,

                What u are asking here is like saying which is better - a Mercedes or a BMW?
                The end goal here is a pedal board that you are happy with.
                A fuzz isn't more important than a delay and vice versa.
                Each serve their purpose depending on the sound you are trying to create.

                That being said, certain pedals do form the foundation of any sound.
                For example - delay, fuzz, overdrive are the staple of any guitarist.
                From there you can consider throwing in - chorus, compressor, etc.
                So perhaps consider which are your "core" pedals and which are your "discretionary" pedals.

                  • [deleted]

                  Thanks Matt, I'll think on that. Looks a like a delay and overdrive might be on the way soon!

                  Thanks everyone.
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