[after reading singemonkey's stickied post it looks like the Yamaha Pacifica is the one for me - love the brand, have a classical from the company and have owned and loved several of their bikes]
I'm looking to get a beginner electric guitar and honestly have no idea. I won't go over R3500.00 for the first one. I've been reading as much as possible to try to figure out which one to get and what a reasonable price is to pay for what I'm looking at.
I'm pretty keen to play blues-derived rock stuff but honestly, for the first guitar, it's going to get a lot of mileage across genres.
So far I've noticed:
- some don't keep their tuning
- some have lousy pickups
- there are things called humbuckers
- others called coil something or others
- hollow bodies
- shallow hollow bodies
- solid bodies
- you can change the pickups, humbuckers, coils, some have two, some one, some a combination (but only some guitars allow these to be changed)
- some are extremely modular and allow much to be changed while others are difficult to change
Tokais are apparently good value for money. Some say the Vintages are too. Some say the Squiers are a waste of money but then others say they're great value for money. I get the impression that people look down on the Ibanezes a bit and apparently that's due to pickups - which can be changed. Bear in mind the price range I'm looking at - these are not the top of the range in any of the brands.
So I've looked at all the guitars on the GFSA classifieds and all of those on Gumtree too plus a few on Ultimate-guitar.com (but for my price range I don't think it's worth importing anything due to shipping costs).
There is this Squier Bullet on the GFSA classifieds:
http://www.guitarforum.co.za/index.php?action=classifieds;sa=view;id=2499 for R1200.00
There's this Vintage on Gumtree:
http://www.guitarforum.co.za/index.php?action=classifieds;sa=view;id=2499 for R2500.00
This Vintage VHE100 on GFSA:
http://www.guitarforum.co.za/index.php?action=classifieds;sa=view;id=2498 for R1800.00
This Ibanez NDM-1 on GFSA:
http://www.guitarforum.co.za/index.php?action=classifieds;sa=view;id=2444 for R2650.00
And this Ibanez Gio on Gumtree:
http://www.gumtree.co.za/cp-musical-instruments-in-northern-pretoria/electric-guitar-475811866 for R1500.00
Would any of those be worth looking at or should I prepare to spend more and get something entirely different?
Your help will be greatly appreciated.