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  • Effects
  • Seriously, can everyone please buy an EH Epitome multi pedal!

The marketing department cork sniffing again ?

"The quintessence of tone! This powerful digital multi-effect begins with the flawless polyphonic tracking of the Micro POG. Next is the Stereo Electric Mistress. Creamy stereo flanging and chorus weave and undulate for the richest modulations. Finally, the Holy Grail Plus wraps you in a silken shroud of luxurious reverb.

Switch on Shimmer to re-route the effects. Now the Grail reverberates the POG’s wet signal and the Mistress completes the chain to add lush flanging to the reverb tails. Shimmer also transforms the Grail into a digital delay with the POG in its feedback path for inspiring ascending and descending octave effects."
    Silly GAS, just saw the EHX 45000 Looper as well.
    Although quite similar to the 2880 it does complicate the situation. ?


    Anyone got any opinions on the 2880/45000?
    Got an RC 30 but I could definitely make use of the 4 tracks ehx offers!
      20 days later
      Must.....Resist........G.A.S. ?

      After watching the EHX demo of the pedal i was seriously impressed. Would not mind having one of those on my pedal board.
        Just pulled the trigger on this one!
        Investec really should do more thorough GAS checks before issuing credit ?
          Mattocaster wrote: Just pulled the trigger on this one!
          Investec really should do more thorough GAS checks before issuing credit ?
          Damn that looks awesome! I want, i want, i want!!!!

          We are expecting a full review as soon as you get it!
            +1 on the review Mattocaster. Trying to sweet talk the minister of finance(Wifey). Not budging............ YET!
              Paddy wrote: +1 on the review Mattocaster. Trying to sweet talk the minister of finance(Wifey). Not budging............ YET!
              i have found that the minister of finance in my country has discovered a large rift valley between budging and budgeting.

              yet, somehow, not often mind you, i do manage to slip the odd gas attack past her. g'luck!
                Will def post a review.
                I know I'm gonna like it tho - the reverb and chorus/flange are staples and the Micro Pog is perfect for octave experimentation.
                Granted, I had a couple of beers when I clicked on eBay *Buy* but sometimes u just gotta buy something ridiculous for the fun of it ?
                So glad I've found a forum with like minded individuals - kids in grown up bodies! ?
                Will take at least 3 weeks for shipping tho. Oh well!
                  17 days later
                  Well mine came today!

                  Super stoked with the purchase!

                  Review coming shortly!
                    19 days later
                    Howzit guys,

                    Thought I'd share some initial impressions of the Epitome as I've had it for a month or so.

                    Overall: I really like it! Certainly consider it a very worthwhile purchase.
                    It doesn't ooze mojo and won't define your sound but I doubt it'll ever leave my board because of its wide ranging functionality and small footprint.

                    Pro's: Small pedal footprint, 3 effects every board should include, quality sounds, good workmanship.

                    Con's: Requires high current output (over 200mA) so I put mine on a separate adapter, chorus and flange controls limited, resets each time it loses power. And I really dislike the graphic - very boring!

                    Reverb: this was a driving factor in buying the pedal - I needed a decent reverb. Has 4 different modes and the Holy Grail has a good reputation based on good sounds. Haven't compared it to say a Strymon Blue Sky for example, only to the onboard verb on my Mesa amp.

                    Chorus/Flanger: a pedal board might as well include these effects. Nice sounds but controls are limited to a depth and rate control. It's also in stereo but haven't tested that out yet. I don't tend to use chorus/flanger often so it's a nice compromise.

                    Octave - MicroPog: flawless tracking and great octave up and down. I was quite excited about the pog initially but I struggle to find a use for the pog for everyday playing. It performs great in what it does but just haven't managed to integrate what it does into my playing.

                    So who should buy one? I rate if you've got your drive and delay pedals sorted, tossing in an Epitome would be a worthwhile investment. The reverb stays on everytime I play but the other 2 effects are much less used. So also consider buying a Holy Grail plus (or Blue Sky etc ) if octave and chorus aren't your thing.

                    Hope that helps! ?

                      Mattocaster wrote: resets each time it loses power.
                      That's a dealbreaker, right there...
                        Thanks for the review Matt, sounds like a great pedal for people wanting out there spacey sounds but less useful for the average joe...I suppose if you sit with it long enough it could lead you to playing differently to incorporate the different sounds you get from it which could give you a nice different sound (always cool to go to a gig and be like "Woah, thats a strange guitar sound!") but I think as you say, drive and delays first, extra effects later ?
                          Mattocaster wrote: resets each time it loses power.
                          What resets? I thought everything was controlled by pots and a rotary switch. Are there presets?
                            Oh, just to be clear each time it loses power all effects are bypassed when you plug in the power again.
                            Ie if I leave the reverb on and turn off power, when turn the power on the reverb will be off.

                            Just a bit of a peeve every time I turn my board on I have to switch on the reverb as well.
                            No settings reset or anything - otherwise that would be a deal breaker!
                              Oh, okay that's not too bad. Is it relay bypass then? I prefer effects that power up bypassed to those that power up on. Ideally they stay where you leave them though.
                                Also, to be honest I haven't properly experimented with the "shimmer" mode on the reverb.
                                It looked very complicated in the instruction manual so brushed past it ?

                                Thanks Kalcium for bringing it up though - it does get a couple of nifty sounds.
                                There's even a delay somewhere in there as well!
                                  Yep it is relay bypass.
                                  Nice soft clicking footswitches.
                                    I have two pedals with relay BP - a delay and a tuner. The delay powers up bypassed and the tuner on. I like them that way - the tuna should be the first thing you use, then switch in the effects you want as and when... So yeah, that doesn't seem like an issue to me.
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