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  • Guitar

IBANEZ M-340 81091497J

Hiya, Raine and Pierre here... hope you are all well... Just wondering if anyone can help us out here: We would like to know more about Pierre's Ibanez six/steel string acoustic, like what year it was made, where and how much it is currently worth.

I tried a search on a particular site, but came up with no results. Can anyone assist us, please?

Otherwise, all is well. We have found Taz, the best guitar repairer in S.A., right here on our doorstep in Primrose. We are in the process of having two other guitars repaired with him, and Pierre is very happy with the repair to the bridge of above-named Ibanez.

Well, that's all from here for now... Will check email for any updates. Go well.
Best regards to all
Raine and Pierre
    Hi Raine,

    Your Ibanez M340 is probably from around 1981 - 1983, very nice guitar, hope it gets restored to it's former glory.

    What it's worth, I would have to say between R2500 - R3500 if you have the original case. (South African market)

    US market +/- $500.

    After entering your serial number, this is the info given:

    This link has more info on Ibanez serial number dating :


    Here is some info on the guitar from the Catalogue.

    I have a vintage Ibanez Facebook page, pop on over and post some pics when you get it back from Taz, also checkout some of the other Ibanez Vintage stuff while you're there. :?


      Hiya, Paul... Thanks ever so much for helping us out with all the great info... Great pics you must have on your fb page, but Pierre and I don't do fb or twitter... We'll get to taking some pics once all the guitars are in place... I'll post you to let you know, if I can figure out how to drive this site... Otherwise, hope all is well... Best wishes, RAine and Pierre
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