Keira WitherKay wrote:
@ squonk ........
firstly let me start this by saying .... if you wanna leave the forum ... thats fine.... thats personal ......
now my main point for your so called struggle and lows with guitar playing ...........dude do you really want me to get in my car in pretoria right now and drive all the way to you and kick your butt ?
you forget i knew you from 5 yrs ago .. and then i had the pleasure of hosting that open mic in pretoria at the end of last year that you drove thru for and performed at .......... and say what you will the development in 5 yrs is chalk and cheese... when you performed... you had a unique story telling style , with nice fingerpicking technique .... and above all it was all original ..... and you entertained us all that evening........
squonk , you have a product there that is marketable........ if you do what i heard that night and btw i still have the video i shot that night .... maybe you should watch it before you think you at a musical low............ i think in 5 yrs you have developed a unique style .... and a pleasant and captivating stage presence ....
you should be performing your set at all acoustic festivals ....... you definitely have something that is in your own style
and remember very few ever become the Joe Pass's or tommy emmanuels, or martin taylors ...... so learn from them...... but few ever reach their level of skill.........
so what i'm saying is sure leave the forum , in fact the forum is not quite aimed at fingerstyle acoustic players... so that i understand ......
but SQUONK you have done all the hard work to develop your style and you are NOT a clone or doing covers ......... and remember it's NOT just the guitar skills that define you as a musician ... it's the entire package of songwriter , singer , performer and player ... and many great names in our biz are not the best players but they have the unique original package
personally i won't pay money to see a tommy emmanuel clone.....or someone immitate another artist but i will pay to see someone like you doing an "original" concept in your own style
also i know a few phenomenaly technically brilliant guitarists who sit at home never gigging cos they don't have the rest of the package or lack the ability to 'find their own voice" ......
and you squonk have in the last 5 yrs "found your own voice"
so quit the forum but DON'T quit performing live
ps. if you need to chat or just need your butt kicked till you see what you actually accomplished in last years or just help getting your show out there just email me and i can help where i can.....
ps 2. you need to see that video ...
Well said Keira.
I've never heard Squonk, but that's not important in this context...I don't think one should leave a Forum just 'cause one is going through a low....the highs normally follow the lows aint it ?
As for the
focus of this Forum, I really think there's something for everyone....granted there's a lot on electric guitars and amps, metal and blues, and very little on jazz (which I like) and acoustic guitars and techniques...but once more members start posting these topics, soon there'll be a lot more interest cultivated...maybe even a sticky or two... ? on these topics or genre....
Sure...this Forum takes a lotta time from some of us...I'm visiting almost everyday...and yes, sometimes I get a bit bored with some content...but hey, that's no reason to quit imho.