ActionArnie wrote:
I'm hoping that we smash NZ properly in both tests well short of the full 5 days so that our cricket board will know next time not to offer a half-bit cricket team our prime summer tour slot. Watching a terribly one sided test is only fun when it's us smashing England or Oz.
The ICC has a thing called the FTP - Future Tours Program, which requires all Test countries to host and visit each other in a certain time span.
But there are complications. Everybody wants a series against India because that's where the money is. Several countries have pre-existing arrangements to play each other at regular intervals. Most countries have to have some arrangement regarding the IPL (easier for rich national boards like England or Oz than for poor boards like NZ). Plus some countries have lucrative TV deals that require them to play large numbers of home fixtures (EG England) and so they have to split their season into two small tours rather than one big one.
So everybody is trying to keep their sponsors happy and to try to prevent their players mutinying over IPL. You have historic fixtures that you really want to play, but they take up too much time. And every now and then the ICC will knock on your door and remind you that you need to play so-and-so.
The only series that seems immune to this is the Ashes. Everybody else has scheduling problems and is either on the road a lot or has to find ways to squeeze in lots of home fixtures (which is why Oz are now playing outside of their regular season in places like Cairns).
It's all becoming a bit of a mess.
Also nobody could foresee the problems that have recently reared their head in NZ cricket. The new coach didn't get on well with the captain (and best player) Ross Taylor. That fallout was quite bitter and public and seems to have demotivated several other players. As well their team is upholding the good old NZ tradition of getting injured. None of this was apparent when the matches were scheduled. SA must have fancied they'd be stronger than NZ but they weren't expecting this kind of inequality.
Pity the poms! They get NZ in a couple of months time, and some of the best remaining NZ players will only join in mid-tour because they'll be playing IPL.