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I'm enjoying Warehouse 13, Castle and White Collar at the moment.
    I read that Walking Dead S3 was starting on DSTV last night, but I couldn't find it anywhere. Anyone know if it indeed started and on which channel?

    I'd hate to miss Carl becoming a zombie snack.
      a month later
      Currently addicted to Lillyhammer. Scorcese fans will enjoy this one. Steven van zandt of e street band and sopranos fame is the lead.
        9 months later
        Resurrecting this ...

        Ok so watched the last episodes of Dexter - did not like ☹

        Watching Breaking Bad - okayish - but different... I guess it's hard to pick up that tension again

        Game of Thrones - watching - terribly depressing but nevertheless - of interest

        Mad Men was cool as was Boardwalk Empire and Sons of Anarchy ....

        Rectify - first season think by the producers of Breaking Bad or something .. really really good.

        Absolutely LOVED and highly recommend Justified - specially for Elmore Leonard fans

        I noticed how a lot of series have the guitar feature quite strongly in theme tune - so noble is the guitar - that it can tell many many stories ?
          Currently watching:
          - Arrow
          - Freaks & Geeks
            Carl Sagans Cosmos.......and Dr. Who!
              Looks like some good stuff there! - Am starting with Deadwood ? - thanks Studmissile
                Another masterpiece of Televison, the first season is a bit slow but from the second season on you begin to realize you’re watching something quite extraordinary. More real then reality TV and a cast of actors that are flawless. A True Gem......The Wire.

                  Made me think twice about the time I wanted to purloin my neighbours farm gate...................went and loosened nuts........went home and realised had dropped sunglasses.............had to go find them, was worried that DNA would be found and I would be traced...................hah.hah......... ?
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