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One more thing, what wood was used on the neck and fingerboard?
i went through the whole thread, but couldnt find reference to it!
    Phew that is seriously hawt! Not to try and get the all the damn drool of my keyboard... :-[
      Norman86 wrote: One more thing, what wood was used on the neck and fingerboard?
      i went through the whole thread, but couldnt find reference to it!
      Hi Norman,thanx
      The neck is Honduras mahogany, fretboard is ebony.Everything else is pretty much African Blackwood, top German spruce
        chris77 wrote: Jis ja, she sure turned out to be a beaut. I am still drooling from the last time I saw her pics. :-[ You can be really really proud of her, and as Alan said - so can Matt for building her. Well done! :applause:

        You know, it might sound a bit tacky but if I were to have a custom guitar built for me and it was chronicled with such amazing photos from the builder, I would have a photobook made up telling her story from the first pics of the raw woods, the whole build in progress and right through to the finished instrument. I remember from when we had a photobook of our wedding photos printed that there are quite a few places that can do a professional job for a not too unreasonable price. It would be an awesome chronicle of the build and can either be kept with the guitar or displayed as a coffee table book, depending on what type and size of photobook is decided on. I will even ask the builder to sign and date the book for me.
        Now I just need to win the lotto so I can do it.... :'(
        Thanx chris, cool idea! ?
          Alan Ratcliffe wrote: That is an absolute stunner!

          Congratulations on what looks to be a top-tier instrument and please pass my compliments on to Matt for his absolutely amazing work.
          Thanx Alan, will tell Matt
            Manfred Klose wrote: the guitar looks like it cant wait to be played ?
            Hi Manfred, it definitely is being played! ?
              Thank you!
              I guess the only thing left to ask, is how does she sound and play? ?
                Bliksem ...... that's gorgeous .... congrats
                  What a beautiful guitar - When you playing at TJ's are some other local spot so we can see this in real life?
                    That's an unbelievably nice guitar! Enjoy it thoroughly!
                      Wow !!!! That is an absolutely stunning acoustic. Beautiful !!!!
                        Oh my goodness ? I am in so much awe of that guitar. That is amazing. Congratulations.
                          I think if Ferrari were to build guitars it would look something like that.... :-\ :-\....Totally awesome.... ? ?
                            Wow........ ?
                              Many Thanx everyone for the comments!, I will try to put sound clips up soon ?