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So, after 5 months of research, collecting parts, cold sweats and a few nightmares, my final parts order is waiting for me at the post office to collect this afternoon. I was too excited to wait till later to start this thread, so here it is.

First pics to come this evening, and the build will start over the course of this weekend.

Stay tuned! 8)
    Awesome! Where did you source the parts from?
      Been looking forward to this one...
        Nice! Eagerly awaiting first pics!!
          I've been waiting. I thought of PMing you to ask more than once... Lets roll!
          I'm very looking fwd.
            Ok, here's a couple of pics to get things going:

            Some of the parts. When I bought parts, I mostly ordered double what I needed, to ensure I have spares for any possible future maintenance. Those Orange Drops are the bonafide, now obsolete Mallory ones, as were used in the original Trainwrecks. I managed to get my hands on 2 full sets.

            Some Iron. I'm using Heyboer transformers:

            The Chassis. Almost done with this, just a few more holes to drill for some ground point, my external bias test points and the external bias trim pot:

            The 2 turret boards. I finished staking these this morning:

              Reinhard wrote: Awesome! Where did you source the parts from?
              Hi Reinhardt,

              I've sourced stuff from all over the place. RS Components, Mouser, Hall Amplification, Ebay, private suppliers etc. I was quite lucky in that the guy who supplied me with the chassis and transformers kindly offered to receive all the other stuff I ordered in the US and ship it to me altogether.
                Got some of the hardware mounted:

                I've done a bit of work on the cabinet too. It was made for me in the rough, since I don't have a workshop or woodworking tools, so all that I have to do is all the sanding and final finishing. I sanded it to 600 grit, then 000 Steel wool and here it is with its first coat of Tru-Oil. It will get quite a few more coats of this oil so I thought I'd start early on its finish so its ready for when the electronics is complete:

                  Ooh schweet! I do like that cabinet. Looking very nice.
                    This is going to be epic. Kudos for what looks like a well-planned build and congrats on what should be an awesome amp.
                      Thanks for the comments guys.

                      Got a fair bit done today.

                      Components loaded on the Power Supply board, and busy trying to figure out best position for the VVR/Mosfet:

                      PS Board all hooked up, and VVR connected up to PS Board:

                      Impedance selector connected:

                      Speaker jacks and external bias pot:
                        Lookin good Shaun, wouldn't mind hearing this one first hand when it's done!
                          ActionArnie wrote: Lookin good Shaun, wouldn't mind hearing this one first hand when it's done!
                          You'd be welcome to! That's assuming that it works and that I am able to tame it once its built. Its a notoriously unstable circuit, so I suspect I'm busy with the easy part of what will hopefully be a usable amp.
                            shaunf wrote:
                            ActionArnie wrote: Lookin good Shaun, wouldn't mind hearing this one first hand when it's done!
                            You'd be welcome to! That's assuming that it works and that I am able to tame it once its built. Its a notoriously unstable circuit, so I suspect I'm busy with the easy part of what will hopefully be a usable amp.
                            T'would be great to have a Durban jam. Sebastian told me about your project at varsity the other day - it sounds fantastic ?
                              Yeah Sebs a cool guy. Would be cool to meet some more GFSA folk. The guys from JHB and CPT seem to pull it together every now and then. Not sure what's wrong with us DBN guys.