Reinhard wrote:
Hi Lance
Sorry to hear about the discomfort, guitar is hard enough without any other factors making it worse. You didn't say how long you have been having symptoms?
Like you have said, checking what activities could be the cause is a good start. Unfortunately we spend more and more time in front of the computer and most of the time it is in incorrect positions. Repetitive pulling, lifting etc. can also contribute. Even a blow to the elbow can injure the nerve and cause radiculopathy (pins and needles etc.). Check for any abnormal positions or positions where you get pressure on the elbow region. Also, good advice for anyone staying in one position most of the day, is to take regular breaks (every 30 -45 mins and just get out of that position).
Non-surgical treatment could be stretching forearm muscles or even improving the mobility/gliding of the ulnar nerve, but it would all depend on why you are getting pressure on the ulnar nerve.
Keep us posted, I hope you get this resolved quickly ?
Hi Reinhard
Thanks for some great advice.
I noticed symptoms about a week ago.
Bending a string suddenly felt difficult, no strength, and then I noticed the numbness on the palm and baby/middle fingers.
To be honest I didn't sleep well that night, I thought I was heading for a heart know that story, left arm numb could mean, etc, etc. ?
After speaking to Peter about being aware of leaning your elbow, etc, I realised whenever I sit at the PC and I'm just reading off the screen, I rest my left elbow on the that I'm aware of that I'm avoiding doing it.
Also, I'm always carrying boxes or guitars in cases, etc, often I'm bumping my elbow against I'm watching that as well.
I'm taking Coxflam tablets, one a day for the last 3 days.
I think I'm noticing a slight improvement...only slight, my ring and baby fingers are still weak, but a slight reduction in numbness.
I'll keep you updated.
Thanks again.