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Hi All
I am in the market for a PA system and have my eye on the Yamaha EMX-312SC Powered Mixer to go with two Yamaha C112 V 12" Speakers.
This would gobble up my budget and leave nothing over for recording gear.

The alternative is to go for something like the Wharfedale PMX 500 System which would leave me with money for recording gear such as a sound card, external hard drive, drum unit.....

I plan to be doing 1 or 2 man gigs initially with backing tracks (I am really sorry to have to admit to this Keira - even though in principle I agree with your sentiments)

My thinking at this stage is to go with quality whilst allowing for some expansion (read allow for "genuine" live playing) for the future regarding the PA and leave the recording gear for when, or if, the recession ever passes.

A lot has already been written on this forum about the above, which I have read, but any further opinions on my thoughts would be appreciated.


    Golden rule when buying PA - Do not compromise on quality. Buy the best you can afford in other words - get the Yamaha system. Dont bother with the Wharfdale - it's crap.
      Agreed. Always get the best you can afford. Wharfedale are good for the money. The Yamaha PA stuff is generally simply good and their published specs are a lot more meaningful and accurate.

      The Wharfedale is only Mono too, so each speaker will only see half the rated output. The Yammy is rated at 180W into 8 Ohm per channel, so it will be more than double the volume/headroom.
        Cant go wrong with Yamies. Top quality, reasonable price, and most important, best after sales service by far.
          Thanks for the feedback guys - I will go with the "quality" principle then and wait for the Lotto or that ship to come in for the other goodies.
            Ja,don,t sacrifice quality,the other items on your list will come to you sooner than you think.....invest in the Yamaha system..
              4 months later
              Ok so in the past few months I've been researching and totally confusing myself but have ended up getting the following;

              Allen & Heath ZED10 FX mixer (USB works nicely to record on PC, using Reaper)
              HK Audio SoundHouse One PA (sub is a monster to carry but the sound sure is nice)

              Thanks to the guys at Fourways MusicMate giving me an "online" price.
              So now the asset has to "sweat" and the "investment" must give some "return" right?
              This is G.A.S. rationalisation talk.
              Arno, your advice and other stuff will be used - eventually

              Now if I could just figure out how to get some pics on here - , this is all I get when I select the insert image icon ??? How does one do this?

                Consider powered monitors and a passive mixer.
                  The trend now seems to go for unpowered mxer and powered speakers like Brendon said. Seems logical to me. That way you can spend more on a decent mixer/interface.
                    briang wrote: Ok so in the past few months I've been researching and totally confusing myself but have ended up getting the following;

                    Allen & Heath ZED10 FX mixer (USB works nicely to record on PC, using Reaper)
                    HK Audio SoundHouse One PA (sub is a monster to carry but the sound sure is nice)

                    Thanks to the guys at Fourways MusicMate giving me an "online" price.
                    So now the asset has to "sweat" and the "investment" must give some "return" right?
                    This is G.A.S. rationalisation talk.
                    Arno, your advice and other stuff will be used - eventually

                    Now if I could just figure out how to get some pics on here - , this is all I get when I select the insert image icon ??? How does one do this?

                    Anytime Brian. Sounds like you ended up better gear than you were looking at getting. Awesome. Now get out there and spank that plank!
                      Looks like you made some good choices. I don't know the HK stuff, but Allen & Heath have always been good quality desks.
                      briang wrote: sub is a monster to carry but the sound sure is nice
                      PA is why most of us have hatchbacks, bakkies or vans. ? Actually not a bad size for a sub and the tops are pretty compact.
                        4 months later
                        gonna rain on your parade a little so sorry in advance:

                        Powerworks is not HK, only licence to look and kind of work like HK.
                        despite the fact that it is not a bad PA, you will not get any near
                        the performance of the HK system it is copying.
                        ive had 2 of those lucas 1000 HK's and have a friend with the powerworks.

                        for way less than what youve spent on the PA you could have gotten
                        2 wharfdale titans 8" and the titan 12" sub which is a breeze to carry.
                        and those will also resale way easier as second hand, they
                        are stupidly popular, ive got 6 titan tops and always looking to buy
                        more at a good price.

                        the mixer is great, no doubt, but you could have saved there too if you wanted.

                        for the record, i love yamaha gear and own some
                        but will never ever buy one of their PA speakers.

                        nontheless, congrats and i hope you enjoy your new toys.
                          No problems about raining on my parade - I've got an umbrella ?

                          Good to know that Wharfdale's have given someone a positive experience - not many have given them a thumbs up.
                          I steered clear when making my purchase decision but will keep this in mind next time round.

                          You're being a spoiler by saying I could have saved on the mixer but not saying how? >☹
                            Nothing wrong with the Allen & Heath....its a keeper.....
                              Main reason I got A&H is that it doubles up as an audio interface as well - so, two for the price of one and a half??
                                So between a JBL Eon 300 for a R1000 more than a Yamaha stagepass 300?
                                  Nitebob wrote: So between a JBL Eon 300 for a R1000 more than a Yamaha stagepass 300?
                                  Which model? 300 is a series. IMO, the JBL has the edge, quality and power-wise. Crown amps, JBL drivers. But bigger (15") and you'll still need a mixer.

                                  The Stagepas is more comparable to the JBL 210P - a complete small PA, mixer and powered speakers.