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I eventually took the plunge and got some drums Medeli DD502J - gotta say that I am impressed with the sounds I can get (but I guess its all relative having never played any of the other more expensive kits).

Gotta say though - drumming is a lot harder than it looks ??? Co-ordinating both arms and both feet... I'm useless ? But its still a lot of fun and I am in no rush to be a brilliant drummer. Luckily an old mate is a pro drummer so he's going to come round and give me a few pointers to get me started. But in the meantime I am enjoying them.
    Congrats Giggsy! Lots of fun to be had.
    If anything, it'll make you a better guitar player
      now you will be able to see if the floor is straight ....
        It will definitely help wit your guitar playing. I started playing drums out of necessity (lack of drummers at my previous church) and it really has helped with my timing and understanding of time signatures
          Nice, we also had a kit in our old band studio.

          Is that how you've set them up to play? Looks very open?
            Congrats! But try set your kit up so it mimics an acoustic kit a little closer - snare between your legs, toms a little flatter. Otherwise when you sit down behind an acoustic kit for the first time you will be in for quite a shock.

            Drumming was the best thing I ever did for my guitar and bass playing. ? I now lock in to the rhythm section automatically and tightly and if there isn't a rhythm section, I become it. ?

            Get the basics down solid and always practice with the metronome and you will see rapid improvement. Independence is an area in which you will always have room for improvement. My first drum teacher (Ivan Bell - an afro-cuban jazz player of note) made me practice for months with nothing but quarter notes on the hats, snare on two and four and the kick in different places. First on quarter notes, then eighths and finally sixteenths (if you can keep your hats on a solid 1/4 note pattern while playing 8ths or 16ths on the kick you are on the way to independence). And rudiments... always rudiments... hand-to-hand, hand-to-foot and foot-to-foot.
              Very nice, electric drums is also on my list. How's the build? Does it seem like it can take a good beating?
                + 1 on rudiments.

                And for the love of doors, don't forget to count.
                  Donovan Banks wrote: Is that how you've set them up to play? Looks very open?
                  Alan Ratcliffe wrote: But try set your kit up so it mimics an acoustic kit a little closer - snare between your legs, toms a little flatter. Otherwise when you sit down behind an acoustic kit for the first time you will be in for quite a shock.
                  Thanks guys - yeah, thats how it looked when I first assembled it, have adjusted it so it feels better for me so may be all wrong - things like this that my drummer pal can hopefully sort out for me
                  shaundtsl wrote: Very nice, electric drums is also on my list. How's the build? Does it seem like it can take a good beating?
                  Build quality seems okay - dont think it would stand up to a good thrashing by a serious drummer, but its more than adequate for my needs
                    5 days later
                    So, how's the drumming going so far? (Or are the other new additions to the family holding your attention for now? ?)
                      Alex B Broadway wrote: So, how's the drumming going so far? (Or are the other new additions to the family holding your attention for now? ?)
                      Trying to spend at least 20 minutes a day on the drums - but yeah, the new arrivals are getting their fair share of attention ?

                      Was quite impressed with myself last night - spent a few hours with the new guitars, practiced a bit of drumming and ran through the songs that I am playing tomorrow on bass - a regular one man band! ?
                        I Started with classical guitar for a few years, followed by drums for another few and eventually progressed to electric guitar... Drums are so much fun. I miss it. Wouldn't mind some electric drums but I'd probably be spreading myself too thin if I were to add more to the plate at the mo...

                        Congrats and have fun! :goodtimes:
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