hey an anyone have any solutions or suggestions for Bass trapping in a room
My room is 4x3m, i notice obviously some inconsistencies around my room...
I have 1 and a half corner bass traps in my room, which I'm not sure is helping all too much... and apart from that i just have a whole load of pyramid foam which I'm not sure i want to put up as i don't want to dull my room out too much as this won't help with the bass..
So, has anyone treated there room and found a really great solution for a bass trapping?
a nice big couch against the wall ?
Haha, yeah thats already in the plans! gonna go couch hunting next week sometime! 8) Or I may get my old bed moved in here...
You cannot dull out a small room like that too much - just see if you can get the balance right. A bigger room can imho be made to sound good acoustically, so you can record 'with' the room. If that is not going to work, just remove reflections until it all balances out. You don't want to have to eq all recordings you make there because of poor acoustics.