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  • Guitar
  • So which rocker wears the lowest slung guitar?

strataxe wrote: My 2c is if you're tall you can probably have it lower because you have the arms and fingers to deal with the guitar that low, if you're shorter, keep it higher. Like James Hetfield and Kirk Hammet, Hammet has a medium height, Hetfield very low.
There's technical issues as well. Richard Thompson has dropped his guitar a bit over the years because of an injury to his right elbow (which he says is from playing lots of tennis, not from guitar playing). He said that he had to relearn certain techniques after he adopted the lower playing position. The example I remember him giving was a fast tremolo pick.

Thompson is tall, BTW, and even now doesn't have the guitar down in Jimmy Page territory.
    flatfourfan wrote:

    I'm sure that there are some more punkers out there that are lower.

    Right you are . exhibit A. Tom delonge from blink 182
      Renesongs wrote:
      Squonk wrote: Not one Strat slung low yet? ?
      I think Strat players are more in to playing the guitar properly than wearing it as a fashion accessory 8)
      I think Strat players are more into not standing out or doing anything out of the ordinary ?
        singemonkey wrote:
        Renesongs wrote:
        Squonk wrote: Not one Strat slung low yet? ?
        I think Strat players are more in to playing the guitar properly than wearing it as a fashion accessory 8)
        I think Strat players are more into not standing out or doing anything out of the ordinary ?
        Perhaps they tend to be more modest souls, not making a big deal out of their ability even when they have far more of it than the guy who is using the Les Paul as an extension of his crotch. Just the impression that I get. YMMV.
          X-rated Bob wrote:
          So I think that sometime in the 70s all the veteran rockers had worn out their elbows and started dropping their guitars and then the next generation of rockers saw the low slung guitars and just decided that that's rock and freakin' roll, dude!!!! and imitated their heroes and so it's gone and now nobody knows why you actually want your axe down there but you do it because that's what you have to do.
          Not quite true ? ...See Gene Vincent with a low-slung archtop ! (circa 1959) Although there may be some truth in Bob's theory of "not-proper-functioning joints" .....note Gene's left foot is in plaster ! :?

            singemonkey wrote:
            Renesongs wrote:
            Squonk wrote: Not one Strat slung low yet? ?
            I think Strat players are more in to playing the guitar properly than wearing it as a fashion accessory 8)
            I think Strat players are more into not standing out or doing anything out of the ordinary ?
            I agree. Like take that boring, ordinary, straight down the middle, Jimi Hendrix for instance... No wait, what? Sorry, I was wrong, I don't agree. ?
              deefstes wrote:
              singemonkey wrote:
              Renesongs wrote:
              Squonk wrote: Not one Strat slung low yet? ?
              I think Strat players are more in to playing the guitar properly than wearing it as a fashion accessory 8)
              I think Strat players are more into not standing out or doing anything out of the ordinary ?
              I agree. Like take that boring, ordinary, straight down the middle, Jimi Hendrix for instance... No wait, what? Sorry, I was wrong, I don't agree. ?
              Exception that proves the rule *coughmikeandthemechanicscough*
              Vic wrote:
              This. This is the start I think. Gene Vincent -> Jimmy Page
                singemonkey wrote: I think Strat players are more into not standing out or doing anything out of the ordinary ?
                I'll let Rene carry out the corrective treatments on you. Strats are properly shaped - you don't have to play them that low so they don't dig into anything. ? Straps also don't stretch at a rate of 6" p/y when you play a Strat.
                  Alan Ratcliffe wrote:
                  singemonkey wrote: I think Strat players are more into not standing out or doing anything out of the ordinary ?
                  I'll let Rene carry out the corrective treatments on you. Strats are properly shaped - you don't have to play them that low so they don't dig into anything. ? Straps also don't stretch at a rate of 6" p/y when you play a Strat.
                  Alas as we all know you can't teach a singer anything about actually playing the guitar they insist on wearing on stage.
                    10 days later
                    With classical guitar being as old as it is...it has gone so far that one actually has to support the guitar ON a knee. NO strap.

                      5 years later
                      Tom Morello is actually the sensible one . . . probably comes from his jazz training. If you want to anything fast really fluently, cleanly and evenly you have to use alternate picking, with your wrist at a straight angle to your forearm. For that you have to get the guitar up high. Feels weird at first, but try it. Once you get it you'll fly for hours. Now try that with a knee-slung les paul - your wrist will give out before your back. Chicks probably don't dig it though . . .
                        I'd say Peter Hook from New Order. Have you seen how he wields his bass?
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