Agreed. While the Eleven Rack is modelling, it is not an amp, but a preamp. While the Kemper has an amp version, it uses convolution, not modelling. The AxeFX uses both technologies but is still a preamp.
The fact that it uses convolution doesn't tell you anything at all. That is just multiplying two functions together, shifting one of them and repeating. Its like saying the Polytune is a better tuner because it uses a Fast Fourier transform (They all do). Sorry Alan ?
I think, practically, most devices, whether they use "modellling" or "profliling" or whatever algorithms, are basically doing the same thing. They try to sound like real amps. In the world of guitar amplification, accuracy (of the sound) is of little concern, the only thing that matters is whether the human listening at the end of it all is happy with the result. Hence my stance on this.
I do agree that maybe I was wrong suggesting the Kemper, as it is not an amp but a preamp.