Donovan Banks wrote:
Ok, but what if the best guitar you can afford at the time is either a top of the range LTD, or a bottom grade ESP? (or exchange it for any other brand, Fender/Squier, PRS/PRS SE etc.)
Point is, you can't claim brands are interchangeable. Even ESP's bottom of the range, all MIC, brands (Ltd. and Grassroots) have a solid reputation for a certain quality, and anything they put out with ESP as its only mark is made well, of quality materials and components, and carefully checked - as Alan points out, that doesn't make it a good guitar, just a well made one. You cannot say that for every high-end manufacturer - many of whom excrete sh^% at their bottom-end.
So it depends, and pretending otherwise doesn't do anything but make for more discussion around the fact.
p.s. 90% of Squiers are rubbish. Changing components means you get good pickups etc. that'd sound way better in a good guitar, hiding the worst of them being rubbish. Most MIMs smoke squiers, and I speak from recent experience. Put toneriders in them rather.