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Righty Right

I thought I would upload one of the tracks off my new album. - Hoping to release by end April.

This would be the only "up-tempo" song on there, the others are either 3/4 or have a much slower feel.

The album should consist of 11 tracks and is a lot different to my previous stuff

The influence was more along the lines of -> John Mayer / Jeff Buckley

Final vocal tracks will be redone soon - I hope

Would be interesting to hear some comments. Thanks for listening


    After listening a few times I reckon it's closer to Eric Johnson than others.

    Love the panned delay, it sounds so large. I'd love to hear a real drummer play that.

    You get such a great recorded sound out of your guitars, and now your vocals comes out so well too. you actually have to now post pics and info on your gear.
      Nice groove, though I thought the drums could have come in earlier than they did. Don't like the vocal effects - but then I never do. Nice guitar sound and I second Don's comments about the panned effect. I liked the first solo's sound, but I thought the solo itself got too busy - it might have done better with more spaces and suspense. Once again the drums take too long to come back in. Don't like the start of the 2nd solo - out of character with the song.
        X-rated Bob wrote: Nice groove, though I thought the drums could have come in earlier than they did. Don't like the vocal effects - but then I never do. Nice guitar sound and I second Don's comments about the panned effect. I liked the first solo's sound, but I thought the solo itself got too busy - it might have done better with more spaces and suspense. Once again the drums take too long to come back in. Don't like the start of the 2nd solo - out of character with the song.
        I tend to agree with Bob re the "busy-ness" here and there in the solos.(this is where a good producer can sort things out imho). I like the vocals.....nice voice and good guitar tones as well. Congrats !
          Awesome stuff! I like the vocals especially..
            Very well done, the sound is mixed nicely and brings out the feel of a large room. It would have been nice for some variation on the main guitar riff as after a while it does get repetetive and I believe the drums could have done with more depth/emotion. All in all though, nicely done. The vocals are also quite good.
              I agree about the drums, the hi-hats are too loud, the rest too soft, sounds kind of "ez-drummerish programmed to try sound real" to me as well, but it's just a "demo" so it doesn't really matter. Otherwise it's pretty kool.
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