So finally I got back to building another pedal!!!
I have been wanting to build a fuzz face for ages now (since I made the PCB about a year ago) and finally did it this weekend. I used as a point of reference and information and grabbed the original Dallas PCB from there as well.
Because of the lack of availability of germanium transistors (AC128) and also carbon composition resistors, I decided to go with the the BC109C NPN transistors (gain of around 500) and carbon film resistors and then just see how the fuzz face sounds and if to harsh, then import some AC128 or AC127's and substitute them in. Component values are all from the original NPN schematic (not the re-issue version).
Next up was testing it...
Signal chain: Gibson Les Paul Deluxe -> Fuzz Face -> Vox ACTV4
Tone: I found that the overall tone of the pedal is quite nice. It is a bit deeper than expected, found that it cuts some of the treble as opposed to when the signal is clean.
Fuzz: Not to harsh in my opinion, however I must still listen to some you tube video's to see how it compares to the originals with the AC128 transistors. The only problem I am having is that when I turn up the fuzz pot the pedal starts to motorboat...apparently this can be fixed with a large cap across the power rails (+-1000uF) so must try this.
Things to try...
First I want to get the motorboating issue fixed. Then I want to try the AC128 germanium, the 2N3904 silicon and the BC109 low gain transistors. Then I will try the "Roger Mayer/Jimi" mods and see how those sound.

Pedal housing

Shot of the inside showing the white plastic preventing solder joints shorting on the case

Proper gut shot
Sounds: who knows when I will post recordings as I don't have decent gear to record with...
I have been wanting to build a fuzz face for ages now (since I made the PCB about a year ago) and finally did it this weekend. I used as a point of reference and information and grabbed the original Dallas PCB from there as well.
Because of the lack of availability of germanium transistors (AC128) and also carbon composition resistors, I decided to go with the the BC109C NPN transistors (gain of around 500) and carbon film resistors and then just see how the fuzz face sounds and if to harsh, then import some AC128 or AC127's and substitute them in. Component values are all from the original NPN schematic (not the re-issue version).
Next up was testing it...
Signal chain: Gibson Les Paul Deluxe -> Fuzz Face -> Vox ACTV4
Tone: I found that the overall tone of the pedal is quite nice. It is a bit deeper than expected, found that it cuts some of the treble as opposed to when the signal is clean.
Fuzz: Not to harsh in my opinion, however I must still listen to some you tube video's to see how it compares to the originals with the AC128 transistors. The only problem I am having is that when I turn up the fuzz pot the pedal starts to motorboat...apparently this can be fixed with a large cap across the power rails (+-1000uF) so must try this.
Things to try...
First I want to get the motorboating issue fixed. Then I want to try the AC128 germanium, the 2N3904 silicon and the BC109 low gain transistors. Then I will try the "Roger Mayer/Jimi" mods and see how those sound.

Pedal housing

Shot of the inside showing the white plastic preventing solder joints shorting on the case

Proper gut shot
Sounds: who knows when I will post recordings as I don't have decent gear to record with...