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Hi everyone !

What can I say... Nice to meet ya'll ! First of all, I have to tell you that english is not my native language. I hope it won't bother you, and i apologize in advance for any language mistake i could make. I just wanted to speak english and improve my skills, so I decided to come on a forum, and i set my heart on this one. Anyway, don't hesitate to tell me if it's a problem for you ; and feel free to correct me if i write bad.

So, about me ? Well, my name's Emmanuel, i'm a 24 years old graphist and developper (web and software, principaly front-end) living in the sunny south of France, quietly installed between the mountains for winter sports and the mediterranean sea to enjoy the beach in summer.

I play the guitar for nine years now ; i started when i was 16, i don't really know why... It was a kid's dream, I wasn't really convinced, but i was looking for something to do, 'cause I was the kind of kid alone in his world. So, some friends told me they would teach me, and... Then I started.

Now i try to create a band, and explore many different music styles, from blues to metal, including electro and soul or rap stuff.

My gear is not really impressive, i have eight guitars and two bass : Ibanez RGT6ex (my little baby ♥ !) that comes with her (ah yes, we give gender to everything, and guitar are female. Don't ask me why, i didn't lift their skirt to check !) 81-85 EMG pickups. An Ibanez SA120, dropped-D tuning. Another Ibanez, GRG270b (old Gio model, cheap but good, probably better than new Gio series - 430€ anyway !), one-step tuned down (DGCFAD). And... Ibanez again, with my 7-strings RG7420, a japanese model from 2001, downtuned again (ADGCFAD, I love Korn !). Then comes my first Jackson (yes, i love superstrats !) PS-2 Performer, Drop-C tuning. I also have a Yamaha Pacifica-120 (telecaster-like), Drop-B. And then, two cheap pieces of wood, unplayable : Squier affinity, and Allan Scott Se-30. They're not even tuned.

I have three little amps : An old Line6 Spider (first serie), a Marshall MG-30fx, and a bass-one (Millnot's). I'm willing for a good Peavey or blackstar ! On my feet, not much... Some Boss pedals, Metal-Core, Metal-Zone, and Super-Chorus. Again, i wish to add very soon a good wah (I hesitate on wich one), a whammy, a tuner, a flanger/phaser (mxr ?), and some other stuff i could find (probably a jamman). I'm a bit of GAS addict, but i'm not rich enough to buy everything, and my PC goes first due to his importance for my work.

So... I think it's ok for now. I can eventualy post some pictures of all theses 6-strings babes. I hope i'm gonna like it here. If you have some questions huh... Feel free, it's the good topic for that.

I'll try to make you discover some french bands !

That's all folks !
    Warm welcome. Looking forward to seeing some of your posts. Yes, as Singemonkey (hey, you're French, you should pick up on that pleonasm) says, we like gear pictures. Also, do post some links or Youtube videos to some French bands you like. It would be most interesting for us to get some exposure to that.
      Thanks, you two !

      I promise I'll do very soon ! ?
        Bonjour ...and welcome here.

        I am a walloon , i think there is another here and a couple of ppl with french ancestry so you not totally alone.

        Trust is a band i saw in France early 80's , great band and i i am not mistaken nicko mcbrain was drumemr at the time ..... guitarist was a whizzkid though ,forget name.

        Some good stuff outta france musically ...... and some excellent stuff outta france non musically liek cheese & pate's and wines and mmmmm

        Viva la France
          Hehe, sure I will ! Thinking about it, you probably have lots of brands we're not used to see in stores here (Charvel, Kramer...).
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