Hi everyone !
What can I say... Nice to meet ya'll ! First of all, I have to tell you that english is not my native language. I hope it won't bother you, and i apologize in advance for any language mistake i could make. I just wanted to speak english and improve my skills, so I decided to come on a forum, and i set my heart on this one. Anyway, don't hesitate to tell me if it's a problem for you ; and feel free to correct me if i write bad.
So, about me ? Well, my name's Emmanuel, i'm a 24 years old graphist and developper (web and software, principaly front-end) living in the sunny south of France, quietly installed between the mountains for winter sports and the mediterranean sea to enjoy the beach in summer.
I play the guitar for nine years now ; i started when i was 16, i don't really know why... It was a kid's dream, I wasn't really convinced, but i was looking for something to do, 'cause I was the kind of kid alone in his world. So, some friends told me they would teach me, and... Then I started.
Now i try to create a band, and explore many different music styles, from blues to metal, including electro and soul or rap stuff.
My gear is not really impressive, i have eight guitars and two bass : Ibanez RGT6ex (my little baby
!) that comes with her (ah yes, we give gender to everything, and guitar are female. Don't ask me why, i didn't lift their skirt to check !) 81-85 EMG pickups. An Ibanez SA120, dropped-D tuning. Another Ibanez, GRG270b (old Gio model, cheap but good, probably better than new Gio series - 430€ anyway !), one-step tuned down (DGCFAD). And... Ibanez again, with my 7-strings RG7420, a japanese model from 2001, downtuned again (ADGCFAD, I love Korn !). Then comes my first Jackson (yes, i love superstrats !) PS-2 Performer, Drop-C tuning. I also have a Yamaha Pacifica-120 (telecaster-like), Drop-B. And then, two cheap pieces of wood, unplayable : Squier affinity, and Allan Scott Se-30. They're not even tuned.
I have three little amps : An old Line6 Spider (first serie), a Marshall MG-30fx, and a bass-one (Millnot's). I'm willing for a good Peavey or blackstar ! On my feet, not much... Some Boss pedals, Metal-Core, Metal-Zone, and Super-Chorus. Again, i wish to add very soon a good wah (I hesitate on wich one), a whammy, a tuner, a flanger/phaser (mxr ?), and some other stuff i could find (probably a jamman). I'm a bit of GAS addict, but i'm not rich enough to buy everything, and my PC goes first due to his importance for my work.
So... I think it's ok for now. I can eventualy post some pictures of all theses 6-strings babes. I hope i'm gonna like it here. If you have some questions huh... Feel free, it's the good topic for that.
I'll try to make you discover some french bands !
That's all folks !
What can I say... Nice to meet ya'll ! First of all, I have to tell you that english is not my native language. I hope it won't bother you, and i apologize in advance for any language mistake i could make. I just wanted to speak english and improve my skills, so I decided to come on a forum, and i set my heart on this one. Anyway, don't hesitate to tell me if it's a problem for you ; and feel free to correct me if i write bad.
So, about me ? Well, my name's Emmanuel, i'm a 24 years old graphist and developper (web and software, principaly front-end) living in the sunny south of France, quietly installed between the mountains for winter sports and the mediterranean sea to enjoy the beach in summer.
I play the guitar for nine years now ; i started when i was 16, i don't really know why... It was a kid's dream, I wasn't really convinced, but i was looking for something to do, 'cause I was the kind of kid alone in his world. So, some friends told me they would teach me, and... Then I started.
Now i try to create a band, and explore many different music styles, from blues to metal, including electro and soul or rap stuff.
My gear is not really impressive, i have eight guitars and two bass : Ibanez RGT6ex (my little baby

I have three little amps : An old Line6 Spider (first serie), a Marshall MG-30fx, and a bass-one (Millnot's). I'm willing for a good Peavey or blackstar ! On my feet, not much... Some Boss pedals, Metal-Core, Metal-Zone, and Super-Chorus. Again, i wish to add very soon a good wah (I hesitate on wich one), a whammy, a tuner, a flanger/phaser (mxr ?), and some other stuff i could find (probably a jamman). I'm a bit of GAS addict, but i'm not rich enough to buy everything, and my PC goes first due to his importance for my work.
So... I think it's ok for now. I can eventualy post some pictures of all theses 6-strings babes. I hope i'm gonna like it here. If you have some questions huh... Feel free, it's the good topic for that.
I'll try to make you discover some french bands !
That's all folks !