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  • Gear
  • Civil war fuzz clone built by Alan Day

Hi all. I stumbled across a civil war fuzz clone (Russian replica series) pedal built by Alan Day. Has anyone ever heard of him or had any experience with these pedals?
    I contacted Alan today and this is what he had to say:
    I make pedals to order (which does not happen that often). Muffs are interesting, the slightest component change can really make a big difference to the tone. The main tonal differences are between the Russian "Sovtek" Muffs and the USA "Electro Harmonix" Muffs - both companies started by the same guy.

    I spent a year messing with component values trying to get a perfect 90's Gilmour tone and ended up with one that really nailed what I wanted.

    I think that the only way to tell Muffs apart is to own them (which I am not going to do) but I learned a lot from reading the web site of Muff collector Kit Rae. I have cloned his favourite 73 Rams Head and found it sounded completely different to my Civil War.

    I'm just about to build myself yet another Rams Head "hybrid". Also about to start on something I have always wanted, a Germainium Fuzz Face.
      I have a 73' ramshead clone built by Alan for the pink floyd stuff!!! His pedals are awesome!!!!
        8 months later
        Pinch wrote: Hi all. I stumbled across a civil war fuzz clone (Russian replica series) pedal built by Alan Day. Has anyone ever heard of him or had any experience with these pedals?
        Pinch wrote: Hi all. I stumbled across a civil war fuzz clone (Russian replica series) pedal built by Alan Day. Has anyone ever heard of him or had any experience with these pedals?
        That's a rare pedal - I only built one!! AD
          EttieneB wrote: I have a 73' ramshead clone built by Alan for the pink floyd stuff!!! His pedals are awesome!!!!
          Thanks for the compliment - I think I remember that one, putting lower gain trannys in may make it quieter without loss of tone. Has good harmonics that RH. I built a new version - there is a demo on youtube. AD
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