I haven't played guitar in way too long and when I did play, it was always just a bit of pentatonic weedly-weedly over some fairly simple tracks.
For a long time now, I've wanted to learn the C-Major scale across the whole fretboard and use it to get used to playing in the other modes that use the same notes. (D Dorian, E Phrygian, F Lydian, G Mixolydian, A Aeolian, B Locrian) Trouble being that it's tough finding decent backing tracks to do that with and making your own, well that's even harder.
But yesterday I went'a'searching again and lookit what I found!
It's called "Really Useful Play Along Tracks" and it's brilliant. I had some fun jamming over these tracks today and I was surprised by how much I learned in a single practise session. I finally "get" how modes sound but it will be a while still, I imagine, before I can use them effectively but I DO believe that practising along to these tracks will help get me there a lot faster.
So if you've been struggling to get to grips with applying modes in a song context, and you can find yourself around the C-Major scale - get this!
Track List
1. Acoustic Pop in G Major
2. Country Pop Rock in D Major
3. 12 Bar Blues in A
4. Jazzy Swing Blues in C
5. C Ionian Vamp
6. D Dorian Vamp
7. E Phrygian Vamp
8. F Lydian Vamp
9. G Mixolydian Vamp
10. A Aeolian Vamp
11. B Locrian Vamp
12. A7 to D7 Vamp
13. Am7 to Cm7 Vamp
14. G Major Chord Keyboard Pad
15. A Minor Chord Keyboard Pad
16. D Dominant 7 Chord Keyboard Pad
17. F# Minor7b5 Chord Keyboard Pad