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I Just thought I need to show you some beauties. I got the cherry sunburst today and I am in guitar heaven ?


Miss Cherry Burst

Miss Sienna Burst

Miss Korina & Vintage Burst

Miss Ash & Miss Spruce

Oh, and at the back: JTM45 (2245), 2061CX, Deluxe Reverd RI

    Quite a harem you've got going there bro - congrats!
      Oh my shattered nerves!!!!! That cherryburst is EXACTLY the finish I've always wanted on a LP and that Sienna Sunburst is EXACTLY the finish I've always wanted on a strat. You've just gone and really spoil my day.

      Congrats anyway. I can understand that you'd be in guitar heaven. Now for the obligatory sound clips please...
        Great looking Les Paul. The Traditional is definitely the best of the current Gibson USA line-up. Your V looks great. Do you have the stock pickups in it?

        Speaker cab is great. I play on EZ's a lot, and it's got a really warm sound. Good taste all round ?

        Please post your LP on our ongoing thread: http://www.guitarforum.co.za/your-gear/the-les-pauls-of-gfsa/

          Nice collection! That V and LP with that JTM45 is what defines electric blues guitar tone. Congrats.

          Like Singemonkey says, that cab is great. Probably the best-sounding 2x12 you can get off the shelf.
            Killer collection... going to send some love in the Ltd's direction... looks like a blast to play.
              Wow, that's droooolworthy!

              I recently got a sienna burst strat as well! Beautiful colour!! ?
                Thanks guys

                The clips should come early next year. I am leaving fir Sierra Leone for 2 weeks. Work and no guitar ☹ On holdiay for 2 weeks and then Sierra Leone again

                Yip, the EPI is stock. Do not play the V that much, but I love the Korina wood

                The LTD is an awesome guitar to play. The action is a bit high but I will use her for slide guitar only

                I am happy with my setup as it stands now. Maybe in the new year and when SARS sponsor me some cheddar - Tele?
                  Droooool!! Beaaautiful! The Gibby and the Strat, and.. you have the just the right amps too!!

                  Boo hoo!! :'( CONGRATS!!!
                    yah... nice fiddles but..

                    wheres the sharkfin pic? ?
                      very very nice!!!
                      i really like your collection ?
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