So today I have decided to join the Les Paul club and bought myself an Epiphone Les Paul Custom Black Beauty 3 ? I've always wanted one of those and now, I have one ?

This is a limitation or opportunity of pickup choice. I'm guessing that with stock Epi pickups, the difference will not be tremendous. But the middle pickup gives you some options when putting in replacements. You can put something really zany in the middle. Or wire it out of phase with the bridge and alter the switching to run the bridge and the middle together for some nice quack.VellaJ wrote: Looks pretty awesome man ?
The triple humbuckers have always disorientated me visually, how much of a difference is there in the tonality between them?
Yes it is ? Was so happy to see it ?Giggsy wrote: Was this the one on Gumtree? Was hoping to snag that :'(
And now you have it up on Gumtree for double the price ?Eden wrote: ? I've always wanted one of those and now, I have one ?
Haha I'm not too excited to get rid of it. But hey, if someone gives me what I want for it, why not? ? I'll sell it and wait for another one to pop up ?Giggsy wrote:And now you have it up on Gumtree for double the price ?Eden wrote: ? I've always wanted one of those and now, I have one ?