Some of you (okay, okay, one of you - Hi Mikey ?) may have noticed that you can no longer edit your posts after posting them. This is intentional. We've had issues in the past that resulted from members editing posts and, considering that, in general, it's usually not possible to edit your posts on forums after you've posted them, I thought it might be wise to remove this feature. (I was busy doing upgrades on the forum and unticked this box as I went along. No biggie to undo it if the argument for that is good.)
GFSA started out being overly permissive (you used to be able to attach files to your posts, etc) but, as time goes by, it seems to make sense to remove some of these features and reserve them for moderator use only.
Specifically, I'm of the opinion that editing posts and usernames should be reserved for moderators.
But... I'm posting this here because I like to think we're a benevolent dictatorship and so I'm interested in hearing from the mods and members if you disagree - why do you disagree. If it makes sense, I'll slap my own wrists and return this functionality back to normal ?
I like to sometimes edit my posts to correct spelling or grammatical mistakes. Also, in some of my rather long-winded theory posts It's useful to go back and correct a serious error, which might otherwise mislead or confuse a reader.
That said, I can understand the usefulness of keeping posts the way they were originally written. If a member has a serious issue that needs correction they can always PM a mod for assistance.
Will the mods have to edit our classifieds titles to 'sold' or 'pics added' as well?
on another fourm, i think their feature was that if someone had used your post and quoted it in a reply, then the right to modify the original fell away.
Mi speling end grammer are reely up two shiite at the beast of thymes. sew I regarlally need to editt mi pots.
Maybe put a time stamp at the bottom of the post and a line that says that the post has been edited, I've seen it on a few other forums.
I've only ever used 1 other forum where I can't edit my own posts.
I think it's ridiculous not to be able to! I've often posted something and soon after realised it's not appropriate and then editted my post accordingly.
I hope this does not stick.
MikeM wrote:
I've only ever used 1 other forum where I can't edit my own posts.
I think it's ridiculous not to be able to! I've often posted something and soon after realised it's not appropriate and then editted my post accordingly.
I hope this does not stick.
Me , i am gonna agree with Mike on this. Most forums do allow editing of ones post for a certain period of time. While i cant remember editing more than 1 or 2 posts in my tenure here its a useful feature if an erro has been made or i posted something that in hindsight was not within the "rules" so thus self censorship.
I would love to allow editing within a certain timeframe but that's only available with better forum software. (A move I am considering for the future scalability of the forum.)
Anyhow, discussion is still open, keep the feedback coming ?
While I can agree with the username edits being restricted (and we should possibly add quotation marks as forbidden characters to prevent similar things with signups), I'm not so sure with post editing.
I find that editing posts is pretty crucial for me (and yes, I know I can still do it, but I'm sure others are the same), not just for grammar and syntax, but also to add photos or info or to clarify an explanation.
As Mike has pointed out, there is also the "quickly deleting something I shouldn't have said" aspect. On the other hand, someone going back and editing out something they shouldn't have said can have possible legal ramifications if we are called on to provide evidence of slander.
Allowing only mods to edit will also create more work for the mods, because we will be asked to edit things on people's behalf.
The time limit on edits would be a good option, but AFAIK, that is not a feature of SMF. Another possibility is to allow only Senior members and above to edit their posts. Would that not perhaps be a comfortable middle-ground?
StephenG wrote:
perhaps the "benevolent dictator" should actually hold a vote to see what the subjects and slaves to this forum would like..? dont ban me for suggesting this.
Of course, "dictator" implies that there is no voting process. ?
EDIT: have to add - he IS holding a vote, in terms of having this discussion and request for feedback.
I'm changing my mind. I just found I needed to edit my post. Very useful, should probably stay!
*sheepishly* Found the setting!
Now you can edit your post within 60 minutes of posting. After that, you need to PM a moderator. Enjoy ?
That's reasonable. Thanks.
a victory for the popular uprising - AND no one got killed. - yay. ?
Excellent Norio. I should add that I think it's polite to add "Edit: " if you substantially add to your post (other than spelling or whatever) within the 60min.
Just a thought, some people have emails with posts sent to them... it must be confusing to get re-edited mails? Spot the diffrence. Spot the difference. ?
Jack Flash Jr wrote:
Just a thought, some people have emails with posts sent to them... it must be confusing to get re-edited mails? Spot the diffrence. Spot the difference. ?
AFAIK, just the first new post, no edits and no more posts until you visit the thread again.
Is it possible to allow editing of posts on the Classifieds section - specifically for the original poster? I find I regularly edit my original post as a sale goes along, especially with multiple items, so that prospective buyers can see in the first post what is sold and what is still available without having to read the whole thread. Also I would usually edit the title of the thread so that buyers can see if the item is sold without having to open the thread.
Besides that, me as the OP being able to edit any mistakes in my classifieds thread that I didn't initially notice is best in terms of information accuracy for potential buyers.
Just checked and none of this seems possible on a thread I started last night.
Mr T wrote:
Is it possible to allow editing of posts on the Classifieds section - specifically for the original poster? I find I regularly edit my original post as a sale goes along, especially with multiple items, so that prospective buyers can see in the first post what is sold and what is still available without having to read the whole thread. Also I would usually edit the title of the thread so that buyers can see if the item is sold without having to open the thread.
+1, please. I don't really see the reason for disabling edits at all, but you have to be able to edit your classifieds - for price drops, or so that people who put 10 or so items up for sale can mark them as sold in the OP.
If you are the thread starter (A.K.A. the advertiser), you have the ability to edit your own posts at any time and delete posts by others in your classified threads.
I also sometimes make mistakes with my initial posts, especially if I'm on a BB or my laptop........60 minutes is fine. As for being able to change your nick, that should be upto mods gets annoying when (ps, when = hen 2 minutes ago) someone changes their name all the time because they're either into new gear or have a new girlfriend.
You have my vote..........