WELL I am over the moon to finally own a Marshall, It is the new JVM410 HCF, a beast of an amp and in a limited edition carbon fibre tolex.
4 Channels with 3 gain stages = alot of playing around and should really suite my needs as I play various styles of music from blues to drop C hardcore. ?
I must say it helps to work with a fantastic music store, I purchased the standard JVM and the head had faulty valves, they ended up swapping out for this amp which costs a bit more Retail, so I scored.
Runing it into a Mesa Recto 2x12 cab.

sorry for the low quality cellphone pic, will try upload decent shots on the weekend
4 Channels with 3 gain stages = alot of playing around and should really suite my needs as I play various styles of music from blues to drop C hardcore. ?
I must say it helps to work with a fantastic music store, I purchased the standard JVM and the head had faulty valves, they ended up swapping out for this amp which costs a bit more Retail, so I scored.
Runing it into a Mesa Recto 2x12 cab.

sorry for the low quality cellphone pic, will try upload decent shots on the weekend