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WELL I am over the moon to finally own a Marshall, It is the new JVM410 HCF, a beast of an amp and in a limited edition carbon fibre tolex.
4 Channels with 3 gain stages = alot of playing around and should really suite my needs as I play various styles of music from blues to drop C hardcore. ?

I must say it helps to work with a fantastic music store, I purchased the standard JVM and the head had faulty valves, they ended up swapping out for this amp which costs a bit more Retail, so I scored.

Runing it into a Mesa Recto 2x12 cab.

sorry for the low quality cellphone pic, will try upload decent shots on the weekend
    ooooh I like it ....lots of nobbies to play with
      indeed many knobbies, but its actually fantastically simple to use. the footswitch it comes with is EXCELLENT for a gigging muso, it will eliminate many of my pedals.

      1 Feature I found fantastic is that each channel has a seperate Reverb which is something I have always needed. I dont have to tap dance so much now ?

        Congrats Shadow1, the JVM series are indeed awesome beasts !!! .... I've had the little brother, the JVM 210 for about 2 years now, and never had a single issue, the thing just keeps "screaming......" love 'em. Have you tried yours through the Marshall 1960 speakers? I'm sure that Mesa cab sounds killer, just curious..
          Aubs1 wrote: Congrats Shadow1, the JVM series are indeed awesome beasts !!! .... I've had the little brother, the JVM 210 for about 2 years now, and never had a single issue, the thing just keeps "screaming......" love 'em. Have you tried yours through the Marshall 1960 speakers? I'm sure that Mesa cab sounds killer, just curious..
          not yet Aubs, I only have the mesa cab and just took delivery of the JVM last night. I will try find someone with a cab to compare to 4sure. I love the crunch channel. Havent managed to tame the higher gain settings to my personal taiste yet.
            WOW.....................WHAT AN AMP ?
              Wow Shadow . . .
              I've just gone and checked all the specs for your amp, as well as listen to a few sound clips . . . . . .
              ? WOW ?
              Awesome! Enjoy ?
                Aubs1 wrote: Congrats Shadow1, the JVM series are indeed awesome beasts !!! .... I've had the little brother, the JVM 210 for about 2 years now, and never had a single issue, the thing just keeps "screaming......" love 'em. Have you tried yours through the Marshall 1960 speakers? I'm sure that Mesa cab sounds killer, just curious..

                Good stuff Shadow

                Aubs little Brother rocks, I cant imagine what your one will do. You might get calls from Botswana asking you to adjust the treble ?
                  @slyd Many thanks, I was after a marshall tone but needed a flexible amp and this amp made the most sense. I still wouldnt mind the dual rec oneday but thought this would work out better for my situation.

                  @squonk, I know ? ? the biggest problem with marshall is that they dont really make a nice small wattage (maybe a 30w) valve amp. I am sure there is a reason for it but yes 100w is OVERKILL to say the least. I have read that the difference in 50w and 100w head is only about 3db which is not too great and the price is pretty much the same.
                    Well, as they say, . . . the more power, the better the "head-room", and thus the clearer the sound, even at lower volumes. So, overkill is not even a thought here.
                      Congrats..... Killer amps the JVMs are, very versatile, I got a 50 and 25 watt mod on mine which helps A LOT. Also you may need a noise gate for the high gain settings.... I use my OD2 channel (slight mid scoop) on orange most of the time for rhythms then use OD1 for leads. I recently retubed my power section and its soundin awsome at the moment...... Soundin better than my Rectumfrier at the moment, but I'm in masrhall mode now. Oh...... U gonna love the midi capabilities when get more familier with the amps, I got a Gmajore linked up to mine and a midi floor board, endless possibilities mate.
                        needleshy wrote: Congrats..... Killer amps the JVMs are, very versatile, I got a 50 and 25 watt mod on mine which helps A LOT. Also you may need a noise gate for the high gain settings.... I use my OD2 channel (slight mid scoop) on orange most of the time for rhythms then use OD1 for leads. I recently retubed my power section and its soundin awsome at the moment...... Soundin better than my Rectumfrier at the moment, but I'm in masrhall mode now. Oh...... U gonna love the midi capabilities when get more familier with the amps, I got a Gmajore linked up to mine and a midi floor board, endless possibilities mate.
                        Thanks, been tweaking the amp a lot this eve. I got pretty solid tone from the crunch channel / strat combo.

                        I definately can hear the need for a noise gate, I have an ns2 which I will try out. I did seem to get a "miff" buzzy / trebbly tone on the high gain channels that I couldnt get rid of.

                        So I thought a mxr 10band EQ might work? or maybe the rectumfrier was the amp I should have gone for ) Al though I have a 6505+ for high gain which does the job well in that department.
                          a ructumfrier can also get pretty noisy, Jvm is a little worse in that department but JVM tone is a lot smoother than the Mesa's, much more Fluidy distortion and the clean Green Channel On the JVM is better than a Mesa's Clean. I you really wanna get a Mesa-ish tone there is a mode for the OD2 channel, u can swop our a few resistors in that channel and get a similar tone to a Rec, after all that channel has a similar voice to the rec, there are loads of Mods that are online on the JVM Forum, also loads of Tube configs etc, best go check it out.

                          I used to stick an NS2 in the fx loop with that whole x config but that was quite a mission and takes lots of cabling, now i just got it in my rack setup.
                            also if you wondering.... the channel changing is a little rough with the supplied pedal, there is a noticable gap between channel changing, that goes away if you use a midi floor board or if u plug a multi fx into midi and use it..... I thought maybe that crossed your mind.....

                            And........ if i had to choose to sell my Mesa or the JVM, i'd sell the Mesa first....
                              THanks Needleshy for the info, always helps when you get a new beast to master. Never noticed the gap between channels but then again I have only had a few hours on the amp so far. I heard the isp decimator is a lot better for noise reduction.

                              I will be playing around on the amp alot this weekend so hopefully by monday some good tones will be found ?

                              What cab/speakers do you think sound best with the JVM?
                                Thew isp is apparently a better option but I've never tried one.

                                The JVMs were build and tested on Celestian g12-t75, but in my combo I got a vin30 with a heritage... Apparently that's the closest speker combo to get that tone out of an open back cab. I have played it through a closed back vin30 cab which is also pretty cool but the open back cab brings the mids out more. Closed back cab has a lot of thump to it nice for high gain low tuned riffage but high notes sound better on the open back I have, its less shrieky.
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