OK thats more like it people here are our challengers for September. There was some confusion to whether the categories applied so I am going to ask you the jury to decide in your own head which category applies. To be fair please ignore the categories that some challengers used decide for yourself and write a comment if you feel strongly enough .Please cast your 3 votes by Friday 30th
[quote author=mity88 link=action=profile;u=1880 date=1316582942]
Alrity, so i decided to send this to you before i change my mind.
i hope this is ok
I'ts just two guitars, lead guitar using an E-Bow
Beginner category please
thank you
[quote author=Hammeron link=action=profile;u=3309 date=1316626723]
Rene hi.
Here is my entry for the September challenge:
The Questioning.
I wrote this riff a couple of years ago and entered the original recording a couple of challenges back but pulled it because it was too long. Anyway, we re-recorded it with some additions, most notably, the theremin backing. We thought of adding percusion and bass but decided that the theremin and guitar complimented each other beautifully. This is me on guitar and Harold on the theremin. Enjoy!
[quote author=deefstes link=action=profile;u=2979 date=1316684551]
Hi Rene,
Here's my entry for this month's challenge. Nothing as grandiose as I had originally planned and certainly nothing as grandiose as I'm hoping to hear from other entrants but a fun evening's exercise.
Sleepwalk: http://www.box.net/shared/si20jmfqgn0l26z5mxck
[quote author=doc-phil link=action=profile;u=323 date=1316689790]
Here's my entry, a track I post-hardcore/metal track I recorded a few weeks ago.
For anyone interested, here is my guitar signal chain:
Guitar: Gate --> TSE 808 Tubescreamer --> Nick Crow 8505 Lead --> Poulin LeCab 2.0 with GuitarHacks Impulses (Sneap Edge) --> AcmeBarGig Cab enhancer --> EQ.
For the lead guitar I used Aftershock delay module by AcmeBarGig.
For drums I used EZDrummer with the pop/rock kit with EQ and compression.
Bass I got lazy and just used 4Front bass plugin.
FL Studio for the synths and strings.
I had fun experimenting with free vst's for the first time, so I hope you enjoy my entry! I don't know if you still do the whole 'Advanced' and 'Beginners' category thing, but I will slot in with the beginners if it is still being used.
[quote author=Seventhson link=action=profile;u=1733 date=1316709631]
Hope I am not late.
ok This is my cover of seasons in the abyss by slayer.
[quote author=G-Man link=action=profile;u=2202 date=1316758953]
Ok so it's a cover of the band Pestilence and the song is Twisted Truth.
It's 2 guitars and a midi drum track.
The solo's are at 0:59 and 2:23 for those that don't want to listen to the whole thing.
I entered under intermediate this time if those categories exist for this month. Enjoy :)
[quote author=stu link=action=profile;u=1728 date=1316895367]
Heres my entry
I really dont know what to say about it.
[quote author=Jacquesg4j link=action=profile;u=1709 date=1316933931]
Here goes. Tried the singing thing, lets see what you all think!! Some time ago I've posted a piece I've written some time ago. So this time around I tried using it with some music! And for all the hard rocking amigos, it isn't a piano song all the way through, stick around till the end!!
[quote author=Highway Chile link=action=profile;u=3960 date=1316937733]
Hello Rene, here is my entry. I reckon I am an expert.
Here is my explanation.
So I picked this JHE cover from the 60's. I have a lot I can say about all the issues recording and mixing it, but in the essence of it being fun and all I'll just say that I had a good time doing it, even though the mix was challenging in it's own way.
I tried to stick to almost exactly how the original was done, down to the panning of the guitars and vocals. I took a few liberties in where I placed the rhythm guitar and vocals because I wanted to also try things out. I tossed [i]Antares-Auto Tune 5[/i] on the vocals for a laff. I have never used it before maxed out...the whole T-Pain or Cher effect. I just wanted to fool around. Initially I had it cranked all the way through but remixed it with the blend dropped and also I automated it in and out, so it was a tad more subtle.
Besides, I'm not a singer.......so I figured why not.......everyone else who cannot sing does it! :D :P
Hope you like it. I wanted to do one more pass remixing it tomorrow morning, but with the time difference etc I would be cutting it pretty fine.
I am looking forward to hearing everyone's entries.
(old forum) Poll Results: No Rules Apply
- mity88 : 5
- Hammeron: 5
- deefstes: 10
- doc-phil : 12
- Seventhson: 4
- G-Man: 1
- Stu: 8
- Jacquesg4j: 9
- Highway Chile: 13