Howdie folks. I shoulda put this topic up ages ago, but just decided to now. I've played on both, and while I prefer the look of the JS1200 (candy red) the sound of the JS1000 is so much fatter and warmer. IT does have a thicker body, and slightly different pickups. Anybody had the chance to play on both models?
I've played both and have to agree with you in the case of the old JS1200 but the new one has the Mo joe pickup in it which has slightly better low end so give it a go sometime if you can find one in this country...?
and the JS1000 in that blue smoke finish (the only one it comes in I believe) is ugly...?
I've played both and honestly like the JS1200 better. The JS1000 is warmer, but there's just something about the 1200 I can't seem to get enough of...
To be fair though, I like bright guitars, and I have spent hours on the 1200, and only about 30min on the 1000
My leadguitarist has both....and we both prefer the sound of the 1000 over the Candy Apple....As Sartiani said, the tone has a much fatter and warmer sound than it's red brother...perfect for blues and rock alike.