my brother has this theory: he who dies with the most toys, wins. judging from many girls and guys on this forums, there are gonna be a good batch of winners up there at the pearly gates. however, i have some thoughts i'd like to run past y'all, and hopefully get some input on...
the toy box looks like this at the moment:
'02 prs custom 22
new tokai ls95s goldtop
giggsy's harley-benton sg which is still sitting at andy's due to understandable circumstances
'07 fender highway 1 strat
larrivee lv05e
vox ac4tv
fender blues jnr
so the thinking goes thusly. taking into account that there are things i want, i'm clearly long of a few guitars and maybe an amp. pros and cons as follows:
the prs is a beautiful instrument, and i got it for a steal in australia. it is damned versatile, but maybe it's better suited to an attack-laden rock sound than smoky bluesy tones?
the tokai goldtop is super-sweet, and i love the tone. the p90s have that singular fat single-coil tone you either love or don't, and i do.
i haven't really got my hands on to the sg yet, but i have a feeling it's going to be better suited to the smoky sound i'm after, while still offering other options.
i do enjoy the strat, but having the goldtop, with some extra weight and resistance to it as well as fat single coil punch, i'm tending to prefer the goldtop over the strat.
the larrivee is not up for discussion.
the vox is a little amp, but it's great for practice and it has such a lovely warm tone. the fender is a fender - plenty of punch, great dynamic range, plus it has a lot of features the vox lacks - built-in reverb for one - and more options to shape your sound.
so here's the rub. i'm thinking of getting a few things:
first, a bigger, or better, or both, amp. although it must be said, i am pretty happy with both the ones i have at the moment. (i know, weird huh?)
second, i now have two single coil guitars (although they are vastly different in both feel and sound). but i don't want two single coils. aw nuts. i just don't think i want the strat any more.
third, i could do with a few more recording gizmos. my ux1 does the job, but if i could upgrade it or get something a bit more current (the thing is about 6/7 years old), i'd be a happier man. oh, and maybe a new piece of recording software.
so maybe offloading the prs or the strat. or both. i'm loathe to lose the prs - i'm quite attached to it, but i should get a fair whack for it. on the other hand i wouldn't lose too much sleep over not having the strat around any more.
so, what would y'all do?
? i just been thru what you going thru with just having too much gear so i had a huge garage sale....... which went well and almost everything sold to a gfsa member ...... and i feel relieved........ and with the cash i brought in i have paid for more GAS i have had and now i am down to 5 guitars NOT 12 and hopefully after the weekend just one amp and NOT 3 .the gear i have i know i will actually use , rather than just let it collect dust ........
so yes i'm all for thinning out the herd if it needs it ......... but what goes is your choice cos no one can help you with that ........
On the one hand, I too think I have too many guitars I don't play. I have only 3 keepers. Well 4 if I count my Breedlove. O.k actually 5, because I will never sell my 76 concord. But, the rest I don't need and almost never play, so I should sell them. Why clutter my room and life with (pretty but) useless stuff?
...Aaaand then on the other hand I'm thinking, 'Man - wonder how much he'll ask for the strat. Would love one of those...'
And that's the problem. Even if you/me sell the lot today, tomorrow there will another deal that's just too good to pass up.
I on the other hand can't relate at all as I have NEVER experienced the dreaded GAS ...NOT!!!!!!!!! ? ?
Keira's correct - only you can make those decisions. I "trimmed the herd" a year ago and yet it's now bigger than it was back then, and I may be doing a little of that soon again.
You're on your own here dom!!! ?
It's actually quite simple - keep the ones you actually play, sell the ones you don't.
For recording, you actually have a decent selection (although I'd trade off one of the humbucker guitars and get a bass). For gigging the flexibility of the Custom 22 will come in handy when you only want to cart one guitar around.
I don't think it's all that simple.
domhatch, I think you have quite a decent range of guitars. None except maybe the SG are budget instruments. They all cover different turf. Your amp setup seems ideal (1 small valve(?) practise amp and one great gigging valve amp).
I tend to not like PRSs so I can support you on maybe flogging that. But on the other hand you have: 1 double hum guitar, 1 P90 guitar, 1 Strat, and another double hum guitar. I'm in the same position as you and I'm also selling one of my double hum guitars. The others provide a big range of tones and feel. Plus, I use them for different duties so they all get played every week.
I'm also looking to get a smaller valve amp that I can drive in the house ? although it will also be a second gigging amp. So I think you have a decent set up that's not excessive. This is not at all like wanting a strat in every colour. ?
As to the don't play idea. If that was the thing to do, I'd sell my classical guitar. Then guess what? When I want to (inevitably) start playing classical again, I'll have to buy another classical guitar. A person's not always not playing a guitar because they'll never need it again. Sometimes your particular focus at a point in time leaves one instrument neglected.
I worry a bit that if you sell the strat you'll find yourself missing it at some point. Unless it's just that particular strat that you've never been happy with.
chris77 wrote:
And that's the problem. Even if you/me sell the lot today, tomorrow there will another deal that's just too good to pass up.
don't i know it... freakin' story of my life!
well y'all, i think you have pretty much convinced me that i should hang on to it all. for now. and save up (bwaaaahahahaha!) for the kit i still want. then again, xmas and me birfday ain't too far away...