I have devised a cunning plan to get two slacker pupils to pull there fingers out. Namely - to group them together. Heh heh.... This way they'll think twice about cancelling at last minute, competition also helps to remove said digits, and its more fun as well - specially if you're just wanting to learn songs and sing along. Also they pay half which is an incentive ... Then cancelled lessons by one or the other can be replaced by one on one with other pupil for a bit of a master class ... well I hope this works. It was nice - also they're more or less on the same level.
Interesting to hear how this goes.
Another thing - I decided to replace the pillow fight at the end of each lesson with a bit of mud wrestling and we'll see how that goes too ....they all hate the leg irons .... I explain to them about Ravi Shankar but nobody wants to listen .... I believe Ravi Shankar's father used to tie a rope around Ravi's neck and afix it to the ceiling somehow when it came to practice sessions, so that his son could concentrate better ...
I, personally, think you making a BIG mistake by cancelling the after session pillow fights.
So here's an update on my 'cunning plan'. Predictably the one pupil cancels ON THE MORNING of the lesson and the other pupil was all amped for it! So I now had to make a harsh decision - I told her to take a hike - nicely of course. Now the other pupil comes for HALF HOUR lessons - cause she's paying half. A bit sad I am about this but anyway ...
So as soon as one of the others can play with her I'll put her with them. The plus of this is I can see this one is serious. It was stuff beyond her that was causing all the interruptions.
Don't know whether to recommend my cunning plan or not!
Ahh Nice. I just need something to make my student practice. Any tips?
Well apart from paying them to ... which one ma..aay consider ... - this could get complicated, I suggest a word with the parents / loved ones and to try the Ravi Shankar method (see above.) Hope this helps?