Ray wrote:
Ag no, this isnt going to put anyone off if they're after a guitar hey? Maybe not so good to work there but that's the system. Factories exploit where they can. Trees, animals, air, water, so why not people? And if you think the others dont do it, then think again.
Ho hum, Ray. If you're an arms buyer or a bulk petrol buyer (like an airline) you may not care if they put babies into furnaces to keep their machines running. But I can see Cort product sales collapsing here. I wouldn't touch one now. Would you?
Consumers can vote with their feet. And guitar players often care about things in a way that industrial buyers may not.
"Ah. Everyone does it this way so I'll keep exploiting the workers."
"Erm... did you hear that Cort profits dropped by 88% in 8 months when consumers heard about their business practises?"
"Oh. Crap."
This pushes me to say. Boycott Cort! Let's not see any NGDs involving Corts until they change their practises.
Things do change, if you haven't noticed. We no longer have slaves. Women are allowed to vote. Let's not pretend things are always going to be the way they were.