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So for a while I have been eyeballing the little Vox ACTV4...so eventually I pulled the trigger on it yesterday morning at the Marshall Music sale in CT ?

Sounds super sick with the my Gibson Deluxe (first pic of guitar even though I've had it for a while...) and a great addition!

Here's a simple cell pic of it with the Gibson. When I have some time I'll put together a few more and possibly a sound clip... Super happy for now though!!!

    man those little vox's are cute!! looking forward to clip...
      yeah, i have the head 'n cab version, and i have to say it's super-rad. in retrospect, i shoulda probably gone for the combo, just for the sake of convenience. i play my gold top thru it mainly, but my strat also sounds marvy. and its main appeal is i can play it in the study, get relatively grand tone and not wake the kids. bonus.

      nice axe too... enjoy 'em both!
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