Alan Ratcliffe wrote:
Take out the power valves, fit a new fuse and turn on. If the fuse lasts a minute or two without blowing, power down and fit the replacements. If the fuse blows without the valves in, take it to Graeme or Karel Mars for repair before fitting the new valves.
I dunno - shops used to stock valves, but last time I was in Bothner's they said that their repair guy kept them all in the workshop these days, which is ridiculous - most valves are easily replaced (except power valves in some adjustable-bias amps) and they are actually something that you should carry spares of to gigs.
Thanks Alan, I will try that, wouldn't do me much good if I refit all the valves and the fuse still goes. I checked the valves last night for cracks, but couldn't find any.
Yeah I was at Bothners last week and I got the same answer, and they mostly just had EHX, Marshall and Solvtek valves on their list. I would like to try out JJ Tesla as I only heard good things about them.