Nick's right - R300 won't get you anywhere. Decent speakers will cost you at least R1500.
Speakers are real expensive to ship too (I spent R2K in shipping alone for a pair of 12" Webers a year ago), so usually you will source locally if it's available here (Take 2 lists a decent range via their "More USA" store).
henrebotha wrote:
To me, the ideal distorted guitar is reasonably strong around 250Hz and 1kHz, and rolls off after 6kHz.
12" guitar speakers generally are fairly flat from about 125Hz to 1kHz, have a bit of a presence peak around 2-3 kHz and roll off at about 5kHz. That's the nature of the beast.
What's wrong with the stock speakers? The JC's Roland speakers are pretty well matched to the amp - flatter than most and very punchy/percussive. If you don't like the sound of the stock speaker, you probably don't actually like the amp itself either. The only way to really improve on the stock speaker is with some of the big, heavy EVM12Ls or JBL D120Fs, which are hard to get, expensive and weigh a ton. I've heard from others that the Eminence Commonwealth 12 is a good replacement as well as the Weber EV and JBL clones, but have never heard them.
FWIW, I play a Lace Gold-equipped Strat with a flat mids-modded Big Muff.
Adrian Belew fan by any chance? a Muff into a Roland is awesome, but very harsh and tiring on the ears.