singemonkey wrote:
SGs sometimes don't have the greatest neck stability - which can also apparently affect tuning.
This is true, I remember reading an interview with Guthrie Govan where he talked about the original 60's (? I may be wrong - I know it's old but I can't remember exactly which era his came from) SG he had and how the neck was so thin that if you played an open note and then turned the guitar to be pointing with the playing surface down it's pitch would drop by almost a tone and a half ?
singemonkey wrote:
Locking tuners do not, surprisingly, generally improve tuning stability. If the strings are correctly wound on to the tuner capstan so that there's no movement, locking tuners make no difference.
I don't agree 100% with this, though in the case of fixed bridges this is mainly true, in the case of a tremelo equipped guitar locking tuners can be quite a marked improvement but only if you're a fairly rough trem user ?
singemonkey wrote:
The most likely suspect is the nut.
This is normally the case.