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Are there any of you guys out there that are keen rifle/bow hunters. I've always been a keen rifle hunter, but picked up a compound bow a couple of months ago. It is so much fun. Plan on going on my first bow hunt in July/August.

Anyone have some good hunting stories to share?
    Sorry, could never fathom people who gained pleasure out of killing. In fact I find it etremely disturbing to be honest. ☹
      WantzChas wrote: Are there any of you guys out there that are keen rifle/bow hunters. I've always been a keen rifle hunter, but picked up a compound bow a couple of months ago. It is so much fun. Plan on going on my first bow hunt in July/August.

      Anyone have some good hunting stories to share?

      whoa dude, you on a site where the tree and bunny huggers out number the hunter by about 7000 to 1.................... and YOU'RE the 1.

      strongly suggest you edit your thread and say something like u thinking of making your own strings or someting...

      wanting to talk about the willful hunting and killing of innocent little wild life creatures is going to go down like a lead-fart on this forum..

        Well, early guitar strings were made from animal gut... and for that, one needs to hunt ?
          StephenG wrote:
          WantzChas wrote: Are there any of you guys out there that are keen rifle/bow hunters. I've always been a keen rifle hunter, but picked up a compound bow a couple of months ago. It is so much fun. Plan on going on my first bow hunt in July/August.

          Anyone have some good hunting stories to share?

          whoa dude, you on a site where the tree and bunny huggers out number the hunter by about 7000 to 1.................... and YOU'RE the 1.

          strongly suggest you edit your thread and say something like u thinking of making your own strings or someting...

          wanting to talk about the willful hunting and killing of innocent little wild life creatures is going to go down like a lead-fart on this forum..

          And so it should, this is a forum about gaining pleasure from music not death.
            If you are a meat eater logically something has to die to feed ya..... its how man got to the top of the food chain meat allowed brain development but i digress.

            While not a hunter myself i spent time with ted nugent in the bush as he is an avid hunter. this was serious business as he would hunt with a crossbow and not from miles away with a high powered rifle an a scope. the thrill of the kill was electricity ...
              Norman86 wrote: Well, early guitar strings were made from animal gut... and for that, one needs to hunt ?
              Let's not re-hash this again.
              There is a big difference in killing out of necessity and killing for fun.
                I don't think the ethical hunting of animals are disturbing, and it is not about the pleasure of killing. It's about spending time in nature and being a hunter, as nature intended us to be.

                It's a lot more disturbing how people harvest animals/fish/birds commercially, and yet most people still eat meat.

                If I'm offending anyone, I apologize and would like to lock and delete the thread. Just thought some other people also share my passion.
                  Hammeron wrote:
                  Norman86 wrote: Well, early guitar strings were made from animal gut... and for that, one needs to hunt ?
                  Let's not re-hash this again.
                  There is a big difference in killing out of necessity and killing for fun.

                    IceCreamMan wrote: If you are a meat eater logically something has to die to feed ya..... its how man got to the top of the food chain meat allowed brain development but i digress.

                    While not a hunter myself i spent time with ted nugent in the bush as he is an avid hunter. this was serious business as he would hunt with a crossbow and not from miles away with a high powered rifle an a scope. the thrill of the kill was electricity ...
                    ICM, did 'The Nuge' jam for you round the camp fire? ?
                      Hammeron wrote:
                      Norman86 wrote: Well, early guitar strings were made from animal gut... and for that, one needs to hunt ?
                      Let's not re-hash this again.
                      There is a big difference in killing out of necessity and killing for fun.
                      No Hammeron, there isnt... all the hunters i know, whatever they go hunt, they then take back, cut up and guess what, meat!
                      so, you have fun shooting it, be it gun or bow and arrow, and then you get to eat it as your reward!!!
                        Norman86 wrote:
                        Hammeron wrote:
                        Norman86 wrote: Well, early guitar strings were made from animal gut... and for that, one needs to hunt ?
                        Let's not re-hash this again.
                        There is a big difference in killing out of necessity and killing for fun.
                        No Hammeron, there isnt... all the hunters i know, whatever they go hunt, they then take back, cut up and guess what, meat!
                        so, you have fun shooting it, be it gun or bow and arrow, and then you get to eat it as your reward!!!
                        I find it difficult to swallow that someone could look an innocent and beautifull male Kudu in the eye and then put a bullet in it.
                        Unless he was starving to death.
                          Norman86 wrote:
                          Hammeron wrote:
                          Norman86 wrote: Well, early guitar strings were made from animal gut... and for that, one needs to hunt ?
                          Let's not re-hash this again.
                          There is a big difference in killing out of necessity and killing for fun.
                          No Hammeron, there isnt... all the hunters i know, whatever they go hunt, they then take back, cut up and guess what, meat!
                          so, you have fun shooting it, be it gun or bow and arrow, and then you get to eat it as your reward!!!
                          disagree Norman - did they NEED to go have a jolly good time hunting and killing the thing, or could they have gone down to the Spar and bought a pack of braai chops??

                          the over whelming driver in your example is in the fun in killing something, not the driving need to eat something. so BIG difference.

                            Hammeron wrote:
                            IceCreamMan wrote: If you are a meat eater logically something has to die to feed ya..... its how man got to the top of the food chain meat allowed brain development but i digress.

                            While not a hunter myself i spent time with ted nugent in the bush as he is an avid hunter. this was serious business as he would hunt with a crossbow and not from miles away with a high powered rifle an a scope. the thrill of the kill was electricity ...
                            ICM, did 'The Nuge' jam for you round the camp fire? ?
                            i was sort of a hired hand .... but he was a very nice and approachable guy. once you get passed the star struck factor you realise he just an ordinary oke.

                            no jamming , he hardly mentioned music at all ...focussed on what he was doing ... naturally i had him sign some albums i had..... ?
                              StephenG wrote:
                              Norman86 wrote:
                              Hammeron wrote:
                              Norman86 wrote: Well, early guitar strings were made from animal gut... and for that, one needs to hunt ?
                              Let's not re-hash this again.
                              There is a big difference in killing out of necessity and killing for fun.
                              No Hammeron, there isnt... all the hunters i know, whatever they go hunt, they then take back, cut up and guess what, meat!
                              so, you have fun shooting it, be it gun or bow and arrow, and then you get to eat it as your reward!!!
                              disagree Norman - did they NEED to go have a jolly good time hunting and killing the thing, or could they have gone down to the Spar and bought a pack of braai chops??

                              the over whelming driver in your example is in the fun in killing something, not the driving need to eat something. so BIG difference.

                              There is a big difference in hunting and killing. Killing is what is done to the braai chops you buy at the Spar. Those sheep is killed in a very disturbing way, yet you will still buy it, and eat and thinking nothing of how that sheep has been killed. But when someone enters nature in it's purest form and hunt an animal to essentially eat it, it is wrong?

                              The way I end an animals life is much more painless and ethical than the butchering of sheep, cattle, pigs and chicken.
                                the fun is in the hunt, not the killing per se.

                                but go on tree and bunny huggers... i hope you're all vegetarians!
                                how can you even eat an egg that hasnt developed into a chicken yet??
                                poor things....

                                im not against hunting, as long as its not canned hunting.
                                and im not against the killing of animals for food neither.
                                in a normal hunting scenario...

                                lets not talk about fishing etc yeah!

                                WantzChas wrote: There is a big difference in hunting and killing. Killing is what is done to the braai chops you buy at the Spar. Those sheep is killed in a very disturbing way, yet you will still buy it, and eat and thinking nothing of how that sheep has been killed. But when someone enters nature in it's purest form and hunt an animal to essentially eat it, it is wrong?

                                The way I end an animals life is much more painless and ethical than the butchering of sheep, cattle, pigs and chicken.
                                What he said!!! Hunters are not lifeless soulless people!!! they enjoy the hunt, the enjoy eating what they hunted, but they dont kill the animals willy nilly and leave them to rot.
                                ala zim land grabs / rhino poachers who should all be cut open slowly and then left to the vultures to eat them!

                                and yes, lets also not talk about, as WantzChas pointed out, of how the meat lands up in spar and any other butchery...
                                they really are butchered!!!
                                yet you still eat that meat!!!
                                  killing is killing in any form........be it in the bush or at the abbatoirs ....

                                  but what worries me is the inexperienced hunter ....... the one who botch's the kill, and has to track a wounded animal to try finish the job.......... and i live in pretoria and hear the "manne" discussing the hunt, one of my students is a keen hunter too , and the stories are not always about the perfect kill........ and newbies to hunting tend to be over keen and don't wait for a gaurenteed kill , or at the last moment wound the animal and don't have the stomach to finish the job, so one of the "manne " have to step in and do it for them .

                                  so yes this is planet earth and killing is all around us.......... and i have no problem with killing if it's as humane as possible and quick , and for a purpose, that can be justified..... but not for sport, rather shoot at targets.....

                                  i've often wondered why sports hunters don't just use camera guns so they can still go into the bush stalk the prey , get close enough and make the shot even with the photo to prove it ......why actually kill.....meat is readily available ..... unless the thrill is in the actual killing and not the hunting ...... so maybe hunters should not deny the fact that they like killing ........ thats the rush , the taking of the life........ and not hide behind the fact that it's a sport and it's the hunt not the kill thats the goal....cos if thats the case then get the photo shot and don't kill.........
                                    Keira WitherKay wrote: killing is killing in any form........be it in the bush or at the abbatoirs ....

                                    but what worries me is the inexperienced hunter ....... the one who botch's the kill, and has to track a wounded animal to try finish the job.......... and i live in pretoria and hear the "manne" discussing the hunt, one of my students is a keen hunter too , and the stories are not always about the perfect kill........ and newbies to hunting tend to be over keen and don't wait for a gaurenteed kill , or at the last moment wound the animal and don't have the stomach to finish the job, so one of the "manne " have to step in and do it for them .

                                    so yes this is planet earth and killing is all around us.......... and i have no problem with killing if it's as humane as possible and quick , and for a purpose, that can be justified..... but not for sport, rather shoot at targets.....

                                    i've often wondered why sports hunters don't just use camera guns so they can still go into the bush stalk the prey , get close enough and make the shot even with the photo to prove it ......why actually kill.....meat is readily available ..... unless the thrill is in the actual killing and not the hunting ...... so maybe hunters should not deny the fact that they like killing ........ thats the rush , the taking of the life........ and not hide behind the fact that it's a sport and it's the hunt not the kill thats the goal....cos if thats the case then get the photo shot and don't kill.........
                                    Sports hunting is mostly targets nowadays...
                                    although, the target you are shooting is a life size model of the rooibok, or springbok, or buffalo etc.
                                    they get judged on where the shot lands on the animal, ensuring the "perfect kill", and no animals are killed!
                                    from that, the best hunter's are then rewarded, trophies, money, meat etc!

                                    but when hunting real animals, the hunters eat what they have shot. so nothing is going to waste!!
                                      Norman86 wrote:
                                      Keira WitherKay wrote:
                                      Sports hunting is mostly targets nowadays...
                                      i'm glad to hear that ..........cos the hunters i know do it quite regularly and not at targets.... but for live game........ i'm glad thats not the norm ......
                                        Those i know are shooting targets, but life size targets!
                                        so the targets arent moving, but you're shooting from such a distance that it still quite an art!

                                        besides, when you shooting live game, you're paying BIIIIG bucks...
                                        R50 000 for a custom shop guitar too much?? dont go hunting live game then!!!

                                        thats also why they're shooting targets! i'll try find out the price to shoot a buffalo or wildebeest...
                                        i know for a giraffe you're looking at close to R75 000. If not more... Cant remember so well now!!