the fun is in the hunt, not the killing per se.
but go on tree and bunny huggers... i hope you're all vegetarians!
how can you even eat an egg that hasnt developed into a chicken yet??
poor things....
im not against hunting, as long as its not canned hunting.
and im not against the killing of animals for food neither.
in a normal hunting scenario...
lets not talk about fishing etc yeah!
WantzChas wrote:
There is a big difference in hunting and killing. Killing is what is done to the braai chops you buy at the Spar. Those sheep is killed in a very disturbing way, yet you will still buy it, and eat and thinking nothing of how that sheep has been killed. But when someone enters nature in it's purest form and hunt an animal to essentially eat it, it is wrong?
The way I end an animals life is much more painless and ethical than the butchering of sheep, cattle, pigs and chicken.
What he said!!! Hunters are not lifeless soulless people!!! they enjoy the hunt, the enjoy eating what they hunted, but they dont kill the animals willy nilly and leave them to rot.
ala zim land grabs / rhino poachers who should all be cut open slowly and then left to the vultures to eat them!
and yes, lets also not talk about, as WantzChas pointed out, of how the meat lands up in spar and any other butchery...
they really are butchered!!!
yet you still eat that meat!!!