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Evening all

Anyone know much about these? I know BB King uses one on Lucille, and looking on YouTube, they seem to be pretty powerful little bits of kit...

I've been thinking about replacing the strangely redundant tone knob on my strat-style Epiphone and putting in this Varitone. Just thought I'd find out from people if anyone had had any experiences with these?

I visited the Big D Guitars website, the guy there is a private individual doing custom guitars, and Varitones. He's selling them for $45, and says that Gibson sells them for $150. Any ideas about the truth in this? I wouldn't be surprised...
    A "varitone" is just a rotary switch, usually 5 or 6 positionallowing you to select between different tone cap values (and types).

    Check out RS components, I'm sure they'll have a few different rotary switches for far less than US 45.
      djpauw wrote: A "varitone" is just a rotary switch, usually 5 or 6 positionallowing you to select between different tone cap values (and types).

      Check out RS components, I'm sure they'll have a few different rotary switches for far less than US 45.
      Wrong, it also includes an/a inductor(s)

      Big D sells a good product for a good price. Personally, I'd support him.
        Alan Ratcliffe wrote:
        Another option for an advanced tone is the Stellartone ToneStyler
        Thanks Alan. Looking at the YouTube review on it, it seems pretty amazing. Do you know if anyone brings them into SA? Or is it a case of importing from the US?
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