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Hi All,

My Zakk Wylde Epi has 500k Alpha A and B pots in it as far as I could establish (there are no labels on them, I just googled and found that most Epi's seem to come with Alphas).

They feel fine to me, perhaps a bit on the stiff side, certainly not scratchy or loose. The caps I can't identify, but there is a 0.047 µF cap on each tone pot.

I've ordered new pickups and was wondering if an replacement harness such as this ----> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=160582197204&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT is really going to make any noticeable difference.

After watching this clip I'm not so convinced. I can pickup that the CTS pots are a bit brighter, but it's quite a marginal difference:

I'm more than happy with the feel of my pots.

Any thoughts? Perhaps just change the caps?

    If you're spending R2k on pups, might be worth getting decent stuff in the rest of the signal chain. Just remember to pull the stuff out if you plan to sell it ?

    I think it's always a good idea to invest in some decent PIO caps. Doesn't have to be fancy or expensive, but I definitely hear a slight signature difference between them and others.

    I'd highly recommend this..

      Th pots can not really sound brighter... That will be a sign that the values of the caps and or pots differ. Same value pots with same caps should not produce a noticable difference in tone.

      For me pot quality is more about the feeling of it and the life expectancy.

      For better tone look at the caps. I'm with Mikey with regard to PIOs. Alternatively try orange drops.

      Another thing I am tremendously happy with on my LP is my grounding. I put some serious copper plate in and the thing is DEAD quiet.

      Enjoy your project!
        Hey DJ,

        ja I was curious about that, so I started digging around and found that clip. The guy has disconnected the caps to take that out of the equation, and like I said I think the difference (if any) is quite marginal. Could also be my imagination ?

        After all these years I've only really now discovered my tone knobs ??? which I why this is become interesting to me. That link on the caps is interesting because it concludes that the difference in the NOS PIO caps to cheaper modern caps is not the construction, it's all down to the actual capacitance value. I'm thinking of going for 0.022 Orange Drops with a treble bleed kit, $10 on ebay, won't bust the bank. I find the 0.047 a dark / dull once I start rolling off the tone so I'm going to give it a try.


        He's quoted me $2.50 shipping.

        I'm sticking with the Alpha pots, they feel nice a smooth, and they're quiet so why change ....


          TR3B3L wrote: Hey DJ,

          ja I was curious about that, so I started digging around and found that clip. The guy has disconnected the caps to take that out of the equation, and like I said I think the difference (if any) is quite marginal. Could also be my imagination ?

          After all these years I've only really now discovered my tone knobs ??? which I why this is become interesting to me. That link on the caps is interesting because it concludes that the difference in the NOS PIO caps to cheaper modern caps is not the construction, it's all down to the actual capacitance value. I'm thinking of going for 0.022 Orange Drops with a treble bleed kit, $10 on ebay, won't bust the bank. I find the 0.047 a dark / dull once I start rolling off the tone so I'm going to give it a try.


          He's quoted me $2.50 shipping.

          I'm sticking with the Alpha pots, they feel nice a smooth, and they're quiet so why change ....


          You know you can just go to Communica there closeby Rivonia and buy those parts for something like R1 for the lot?
            TR3B3L wrote: Thanks ez,

            I had a quick look at their selection of 22nF caps http://www.communica.co.za/ProductListing.aspx?search=22nf

            I could only find one that looks like it should go into a guitar ----> http://www.communica.co.za/ProductDetails.aspx?DataLink=P_000818393943

            I guess I'm a bit of a gear lemming when it comes to stuff like this. Did I mention that my guitar is going to have Orange Drop caps hey ?


            You said yourself only the value matters, so any cap of the correct value will do (not electrolytic caps). But if you want cool looking orange drops, go ahead. ?
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