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So my custom Zhanglin Tele bridge pickup just arrived.. where to begin? ? It's a hot tele pickup, Alnico 5/2 split, 9.5k.. very very fat!

Cloth wrapped, thick baseplate, cloth covered push back wire.. very nice..

Out with the old (Bill Lawrence Keystone - cool vintage style pickup btw. I just need more output!)

Still have to put it through it's paces at band practice, but right now I am super impressed! Very warm and midrangey.. awesome pickup for a more ballsey tele bridge, still has that twang though. ? Will be recording a new single with it next week.. Can't wait!
    Looks mad cool. Nice photos as well.
      I want to hear it already.
        Made some kind of mistake with the wiring.. got something like 3 of the 4 positions on the switch where both pickups are one, and bridge isn't wired in properly at all.. Must redo it later today ???
          nicovlogg wrote: Must redo it ASAFP
            Fixed it. Sounds awesome now! Had a ground loop issue as well that I sorted out.. :-[
              OK... I'm not even gonna ask how you manage to mess up the simple wiring of a Tele...... Think you'd better stay away from my LP, you may get lost between all the wires (4x push-pull pots).

              Anyhoo... nice looking pup, would also love to hear it. I'm kinda GASsing for a Tele atm.
                Dp4t and series switching is pretty confusing man ?
                  djpauw wrote: OK... I'm not even gonna ask how you manage to mess up the simple wiring of a Tele...... Think you'd better stay away from my LP, you may get lost between all the wires (4x push-pull pots).

                  Anyhoo... nice looking pup, would also love to hear it. I'm kinda GASsing for a Tele atm.
                  Actually I have a pretty tricked out LP too which was even a bit easier - this tele has a pretty unconventional wiring scheme, it's 50's style with 4 way switch and 3 conductor pickups, so I had to improvise a little - it's much easier when you're just following someone else plan! But yeah... you have to get a tele! ?
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