Paul E wrote:
Just to add to this post, something I'm finding is working for me.
I have learnt one of my songs to the point where I can play it from start to finish (not perfectly though), but I have it memorised and I can play it. So now, I am continuing to work on it and am focusing on the difficult parts. HOWEVER, at the same time as that, I am starting to memorise a new tune and am working through the basics chord shapes and techniques for that song.
I am finding that this keeps me learning new songs and not getting stagnant or comfortable playing the same song over and over again.
Now to start playing em backwards ?
Good on you Paul.
Something i've noticed when i practise is that certain tunes help with improving my technique as well.
An example of this Eric Johnson's
Manhattan. EJ is very fussy about how he plays certain notes and he doesn't always go for the notes that are easiest to reach.