wow i leave my pc for one day and get a string of replies thanks guys..all the input is appreciated.......
i done some reading of your posts and here are some replies to some of them ...
MikeM wrote:
I'd A/B them. They're VERY similar amps. I personally think the princeton with a alnico gold in (sounds like you can get your tech to stick a 12" speaker in) will be great. Single channel, smaller footprint, lighter and if you do eventually go to something like the gold, it'll probably a touch louder than the deluxe, but fatter and more mids.
I know nothing about the Jnr though so can't offer advice there.
ok so if i change out the speaker of the princeton would the volume increase to similar to a deluxe??? cos in reality the princeton i see is often rated at 12W not 15W as is in many specs and the deluxe reverb is 22W so will a replacement speaker thats sufficiently efficient really add 10W to the volume ?
Alan Ratcliffe wrote:
What it all boils down to with the BF amps is they are all tonally very much in the same ballpark, but you use what's best suited volume-wise for the application. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I have the impression that even when you play with a drummer and vocalist, it's on the quieter side. So I think for your application and what you want to achieve, the Princeton makes the most sense. Perfect volume for small solo gigs to quieter blues jazz ensembles and once again, as the venues get larger, you just put more and more through the PA.
yes alan i do tend to do many quiet gigs. but i must admit that like most gigging muso's who move gear daily ... i have adopted a philosophy of taking as little as possible to gigs.... so yes maybe the princeton will be sufficient but i would hate to have to lug a whole PA just cos it's not loud enough ...cos many gigs.even in bigger rooms will just require me amping up my guitar for the solo guitar jazz gigs..... so i am worried the princeton will not be loud enough at the clean enough tone i want.......( i can have an edge to my sound as slight breakup but not distortion )
MoJo JoJoe wrote:
If budget and size is a concern, I would urge you to go try a Super Champ XD. It has a solid-state (modelling) pre-amp and a valve power amp. Don't let that put you off ... go take a listen ... it's a great little amp. I bought one because I thought it was a great substitute for a Deluxe Reverb, but shortly afterwards I was offered a great deal on the Deluxe Reverb new and snapped it up ... otherwise I'd still have been quite happy with the Super Champ XD.
thankfully budget is not a concern for once in my life ? and i can afford to buy either amp brand new (after a nice discount of course) the deluxe reverb RI or the princeton RI it's a matter of what works best for me ...... and thats scary cos i'll only know 3 months into owning it where it falls short or excells FOR MY SPECIFIC NEEDS AS MY GIGS VARY GREATLY FROM SHOW TO SHOW.........
bottledtone wrote:
Hi Keira,
You said in previous conversations that you also wanted to have a "CD in", and on the deluxe you might be able to do that through the normal channel.
Then again, there is a weight issue for you, and the princeton has less and lighter metal in it(transformers are small and no choke). The princeton also has an issue of farting out at heavy overdrive, but that might not be a problem for you.
That fartiness is due the cathodyne phase inverter but one simple resister modded into circuit fixes that problem. The princeton also doesn't have a dry/wet mixing valve and instead goes straight to the phase inverter. The deluxe has and therefore has a stronger "gain" in the preamp.
Interesting that it is similar price to deluxe but has less valves, less metal and smaller speaker?
I hope that you find what you are looking for.
yes bottledtone ,1. having a cd/aux input would be nice but i have decided to move away from that if it's not possiblle like in these cases
and yes 2. the weight is important (as in as light as possible) but i have lifted a deluxe reverb and it's not too bad (remember i lug powered speakers around that weigh almost 20kg) but the idea is to use just the amp and not the PA so i guess if the princeton the way lighter can hold it's own volume wise then weight wil be a deciding factor BUT if it means i need the princeton plus carry powered speakers to mic it up to get the volume then i'd rather just carry one bigger amp .....
3. i have no idea what you said re the "farting" but if you know the cure be sure if i buy this i will bring it to you to have it biased hotter and then that mod..... cos i have read the reports online of "farting" issues at higher volumes...... so fab you know the fix .....
4 and yes re pricing ..... at moment i can after generous discounts get a princeton for 13K(retails about 20K) and a deluxe for 15K(retails about 25K ) thats brand new amps ......... so the 2k difference at the moment is not a factor (thankfully i'm working lots of gigs) the cost is not the issue it's about the needs ..... basically which will suit me better (cos i like the tone of both as they to my ears very similar )but the power rating and weight is where the "games begin" cos i'd love smaller and lighter if it's loud enough
makepeace wrote:
Or you could get one built for you..
i started down that route...only to discover the cost is very similar BUT i do know that it's easier to resell a fender re issue than a boutique made amp....... and i think if i'm spending over 10K i want to get my money back if i decide in 6 months this does not work for me...... and as we all know albeit he custom made amp might be better in many if not every way ..most buyers want the fender logo and will pay for it ..... but yes i did initially approach a few amp makers but when i found exactly the tone i sought in the BF fender range it was futile to say to someone build me exactly a princeton when they there to be had ...........
singemonkey wrote:
Jack Flash Jr wrote:
Wizard wrote:
MoJo JoJoe wrote:
... otherwise I'd still have been quite happy with the Super Champ XD.
And I am still delighted with that same Super Champ XD amp ... ?
The Super Champ sparkles and could not be turned down enough at last weeks gig (!)... I kid you not, it was on 2.5 and more than kept up with drums etc.
And people complimented me on the tone of your amp too ?
i must say thanks for pointing out the super champ xd but this amp is actually a "gift" to myself for working my butt off in last 6 months ( i done an incredible 240 gigs in 6 months a the palace hotel and got another 80 gigs booked for the coming 3 months also at sun city but at the main hotel casino from may so i need some sort of reward for that work load) and believe it or not it's what i want for me NOT for the gigs.....of course i'll use it at gigs but what i mean to say in a clumsy way is i been getting the gigs i do at highest levels in top hotels using the gear i have and get complimented on my tone/sound so this amp is for me...... and i really want a BF fender amp RI ........ and tho a super champ would do the job more than admirably it's not what intruiges me.... then i may as well keep the same setup i have at the moment ....... this is about buying a piece of the fender heritage albeit a RI
msch997 wrote:
Hi Keira
I have a PRRI I am in Sandton, you are welcome to come try it out, its a fantastic sounding device. If you have a little patience I will have a Deluxe Reverb Reissue as well as I have swapped a JCM800 and 4X12 cab for one of those and should have it within a week. you can compare to your hearts content.
thanks for the generous offer mike pm from you has been received and answered........ very kind of you
shooooo so there you have it ........ well as i guess you know i just bought a fender usa strat and now in a week or two will buy the amp ..... and then i will have that fender/fender hookup and then any excuses for not getting the tones i love will lie in my hands ..literally
thanks agian for the input .....this forum is soooooooooo useful for folks like me purchasing a product rthat i'm not an expert on....... and all the help in previous posts and this one has led me to narrowing it down to the princeton RI or the deluxe reverb RI wish i could afford them both ?