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Hey guys

Just a quick hello. I've been playing for about 12 years. I play a pretty wide variety, but off the top of my head, I'm into prog, hard rock, a bit of metal, finger styles, adult contemporary acoustic, and a bit of blues.

I play lead and do most the writing for My Life On Fire.
Website: www.mylifeonfire.yolasite.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/My-Life-On-Fire/302374772590
Purevolume: www.purevolume.com/mlof

Keen on getting involved in the community.

    Hey man, welcome.

    I used to jam with your drummer Brandon a few years back... Actually put away a few beers with him on saturday at a wedding. ?
      shaundtsl wrote: Hey man, welcome.

      I used to jam with your drummer Brandon a few years back... Actually put away a few beers with him on saturday at a wedding. ?
      Oh wicked. Were you part of The Construct?
        Cleric wrote:
        shaundtsl wrote: Hey man, welcome.

        I used to jam with your drummer Brandon a few years back... Actually put away a few beers with him on saturday at a wedding. ?
        Oh wicked. Were you part of The Contruct?
        No, it was before the construct. We started two bands together previously which was pretty much the way we both started in music, really early days. Jammed with him for about 2 years. He is really an excellent drummer.
          Oh cool. Yeah, he's an awesome drummer. He's quite into the polyrythms and the like that we're messing around with in the band.
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