Hey all!
I know I forgot to post an introduction. Oops. I haven't really been too active either. My bad. Today, that will change!
Name's William, live in pretoria. I play guitar(no kidding) and double bass. Mostly classical, but getting into some more electric stuff now. I've been playing classical guitar for 11 years now, and have my grade 8s in both classical guitar and double bass. I'm trying to get my solo project "tin god" (
http://www.facebook.com/pages/tin-god/234038802170?ref=ts ) up and running(the very little of a song that's on there is still very much incomplete. I'm pretty lazy...), and will hopefully start playing some gigs with that soon. It's gonna have a lot of collaborations and guest artists in. That way it can still be my baby ? I also play for a band called "Silver Planet" (
http://www.facebook.com/SilverPlanetBand), which is something completely different, but pretty fun to play nonetheless!