There are some that already have representation locally, but you don't get to see them much because there's not a huge market for them - Godin (I'm currently lusting after a Multiac Nylon SA), Rickenbacker, et. al.
Squonk wrote:
Framus and Danelectro
Framus are here already - part of Warwick, so a Music Power/Marshall brand. I know Bothners Plumstead have one, which is a great guitar (if a bit unusual/ugly).
Danelectro - interesting, hadn't thought of them, but three votes already... Is someone not the agent already? I've seen one or two Dano pedals in shops.
Brentcgp wrote:
and the ones I would buy in a heartbeat... Duesenberg! Can I have a hell yeah!!!???
Great minds... I was browsing the Dusenberg site earlier while thinking about this. Might be a bit of a limited market to justify bringing them in though (people either love or hate the art deco look).
Tom Anderson would be another one on a par with Suhr...
chris77 wrote:
On a serious note, Hagstrom.
aja wrote:
vox and parker
Both represented by Tuerk/Turnkey last time I looked (might have changed now Americal Musical/Washburn owns Parker). Tuerk couldn't sell the Parkers when they first brought them in.
X-rated Bob wrote:
Also G&L.
Oooh... Yessss...
For high-end acoustics Lowden.
Also a good brand. What about Babicz? Or are they a bit too different?