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Hey guys,I was wandering, is there any way to browse the full site on my blackberry? Coz the mobile site sucks...no pictures,no search and just plain boring
I don't mind if the pages are bigger,all the better,thanks
    mity88 wrote: Hey guys,I was wandering, is there any way to browse the full site on my blackberry? Coz the mobile site sucks...no pictures,no search and just plain boring
    I don't mind if the pages are bigger,all the better,thanks
    You can change the BB's browser emulation - but then you get the regular site in tiny characters.

    The mobile site could do with some improving, notably the way quoting of preceding posts is handled. At the moment there is no distinction between quoted and original text and that can make threads hard to follow.

    I'd accept that the mobile site doesn't have ALL the bells and whistles of the "regular" site, but there's way too little at present.
      Download a browser that supports Flash. I am still looking for one
        Squonk wrote: Download a browser that supports Flash. I am still looking for one
        There's stuff missing on the server side. Look at this thread in the BB browser (in native mode) and notice how the quoting of other posts (eg me quoting you in this post) is handled. It isn't.

        I don't want all the whiz bang stuff, but a little more friendliness and readability would not go amiss.

        There's a lot of sites out there that do this rather better than GFSA and without requiring me to install another browser.
          Alrity,I tried changin my browser to firefox and IE,didn't work...I'm not complaining bout it,I would just find it less frustrating browsing the full site
            The Torch OS6 browser can do everything except see the video content. It is small but you can manipulate with your fingers on the touchscreen.
            My problem is to get a flash enabled browser to view the video content.
              mity88 wrote: Alrity,I tried changin my browser to firefox and IE,didn't work...I'm not complaining bout it,I would just find it less frustrating browsing the full site
              After you change browser emulation clear the cache. THEN you will see the effect of the emulation change.
                try tappatalk works alright and if you dont mind smaller writing thne use opera or bolt browser on your phone
                  Hmmm,thanks guys,thanks be to u too Bob,ill give that a try now,but with some logic sounds like the right thing to do
                    opera mobile 11 supports flash, as far as i know!!
                    otherwise, use opera mini! just note, opera mini DOESNT support flash!
                      Tried Tapatalk, doesn't seem to work on Blackberry OS6
                      The Bolt browser does work but without a very powerful microscope it's pretty useless.
                      Still investigating.....
                        X-rated Bob wrote:
                        Squonk wrote: Download a browser that supports Flash. I am still looking for one
                        There's stuff missing on the server side. Look at this thread in the BB browser (in native mode) and notice how the quoting of other posts (eg me quoting you in this post) is handled. It isn't.

                        I don't want all the whiz bang stuff, but a little more friendliness and readability would not go amiss.
                        And pictures.
                          Just for the record, I'm not ignoring this. Just taking notes and thinking of simple yet effective ways to fix this. An upgrade in software is probably due but only likely to happen in a few months when things quieten down on the work-front.
                            Norio, if you have a BB then try reading the site using that. Obviously there has to be some compromising when dealing with portable devices, but handling of quoted comments, bold, italics and all the other tools made available for posting could be better (IE they could be there).
                              Just something... Even using my standard Nokia E75 browser, the site renders fine, and everything is as it should be!
                              So my personal feeling is that its a blackberry thing!
                                Norman86 wrote: Just something... Even using my standard Nokia E75 browser, the site renders fine, and everything is as it should be!
                                So my personal feeling is that its a blackberry thing!
                                Not really.

                                Browsers send servers various information in the requests they make, including identifying themselves. So the server can render things differently for, say, IE and Firefox. Doesn't have to do that but CAN do that.

                                Many sites have ways of optimising for the BB and it's quite clear that a better job can be done than is being done by GFSA's server software.
                                  Use Opera Mobile on your BB, if its supported...
                                  i know mini is supported, im not sure about mobile.
                                  then you have a proper web browser! And no rendering problems!
                                    Bob, I think BBs are devil-spawn so, nope, don't have one but if you will load the site on yours and then photograph it (using perhaps another phone or a camera) and post that here, that could help. Especially if it's working well on other phones - your photo would be useful to me.

                                    (Devil-spawn it may be but it's also hugely popular at the moment, so I get that I should see what I can do to make the site work on there ?)
                                      I am using BB Torch with OS6 and the site works exactly as on my desktop, the quotes are fine, the pictures are fine, it's just the Youtube videos do not display at all, this is most probably due to flash not supported by the BB Browser.

                                      I have loaded Opera (Which claims flash support) but couldn't get it to work. Tapatalk doesn't seem to support BB OS6. the Bolt Browser works well but as I said you will need a Microscope to see the Video.

                                      I think Bob's problem is the Archaic Browser that is used in previous versions of BB!
                                        You don't actually need a BB to get the "unfriendly" version.

                                        To see what I get via BB take a gander at

                                        Note that although I start off by typing www.guitarforum.co.za in the browser's address bar I start getting modfied URLs - usually with /?wap2 on the end.

                                        I tried using opera a while back. Went to their web site, looked up to see which version of the browser was appropriate for my phone, downloaded and tried to install it. Not much luck. And as I've noted already, there are many other sites that do a much better job - including graphics, bold fonts, background colours etc - than GFSA does.

                                        If EVERYTHING was this minimal and unfriendly on my phone then I'd look to upgrade something on my side. But it isn't.